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How to prevent ingrown hair

<p>If you suffer from ingrown hairs, you’ll know that they can be painful, annoying and embarrassing. They can be anywhere on your body, but most commonly they’re found on your face, neck, underarms, bikini line and legs. A bit like a sore red pimple or boil, it’s not always clear at first that they are an ingrown hair and can easily be left untreated.</p> <p><strong>Cause</strong></p> <p>Some people seem more prone to ingrown hair than others, and we’re not exactly sure why. Essentially ingrown hairs occur when the hair has not grown through your skin, but rather stayed under the surface. It’s most common in people with curly hair as it’s more likely to bend the wrong way.</p> <p><strong>Treatment</strong></p> <p>If an ingrown hair doesn’t sort itself out, it can get red, sore and infected. It’s not a good idea to try scratching it yourself with a fingernail or a safety pin, as this can worsen the infection. The best option is to visit the doctor as they can use a sterile instrument like a scalpel to open the wound and remove the hair; or they may prescribe a cream or pill to help. You can also try applying a hot compress to the area to open up the area, and then use sterilised tweezers to remove the hair yourself if you can reach it.</p> <p><strong>Prevention</strong></p> <p>Shaving can cause ingrown hairs, which is why they’re often found on men’s faces or women’s legs. If you are susceptible to ingrown hairs, be sure to exfoliate before shaving to remove any dead skin cells and stop ingrown hairs in their tracks.</p> <p>Never use blunt or cheap razors as these can cause further issues. Be sure to use a shaving gel or cream to help lubricate the area, reducing irritation.</p> <p>Do you have any tips for preventing or treating ingrown hairs that you would like to share?</p>

Beauty & Style