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Heathy spiced Christmas ice-cream

<p class="Pa33">This is a raw, dairy-free, refined-sugar-free dessert that is simple to make and super-tasty. A good friend designed a version of this ice-cream many years ago and I’ve changed it over the years because I enjoy the addition of coconut cream and orange essence. It is the perfect end to the large Christmas meal that most people indulge in during end-of-year festivities, and is a refreshingly cool and spicy alternative to the traditional hot Christmas pudding — especially for those of us who live in warm climates. Enjoy!</p> <p class="Pa32"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span> </strong>15–20</p> <p class="Default"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients: </span></strong></p> <p class="Default"><em>For the fruit filling</em></p> <ul> <li>1/3 cup seedless sultanas or raisins</li> <li>1/3 cup dried Turkish apricots, thinly sliced</li> <li>1/3 cup (6–7) small dates, or 3–4 large Medjool dates, pitted and thinly sliced</li> <li>juice of 1 large orange, rind removed</li> </ul> <p class="Pa37"><em>For the ice-cream</em></p> <ul> <li>1 cup cashew nuts soaked in water for 2–3 hours, rinsed and drained well</li> <li>1 cup coconut cream</li> <li>1 large ripe banana, peeled and roughly chopped</li> <li>½ teaspoon pure vanilla essence (vanilla extract)</li> <li>rind of 1 large orange</li> <li>1 heaped teaspoon ground cinnamon, plus extra, to serve</li> <li>½ heaped teaspoon mixed spice</li> <li>large pinch nutmeg</li> <li>pinch of salt</li> </ul> <p class="Default"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method: </span></strong></p> <p class="Pa27">1. To prepare the fruit filling, soak the sultanas or raisins, apricots and dates in the orange juice while you prepare the rest of the ice-cream.</p> <p class="Pa27">2. To make the ice-cream, combine the cashew nuts, coconut cream, banana, vanilla, orange rind, cinnamon, mixed spice, nutmeg and salt in a blender, and blend until smooth. Add the fruit-and-juice mixture and pulse once or twice, quickly, to slightly break up the fruit but not completely.</p> <p class="Pa27">3. Pour the whole mixture into a glass container that can hold 6 cups of liquid, and freeze.</p> <p class="Pa27">4. Remove the ice-cream from the freezer about 15 minutes before you plan to serve the dessert to soften it slightly. Sprinkle each serve with a pinch of cinnamon.</p> <p class="Pa26"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Variation:</span></strong></p> <p>Add 1 cup chopped macadamia nuts or almonds to the mixture for a nutty version.</p> <p><img width="116" height="141" src="" alt="Book Cover (4)" style="float: right;"/></p> <p><em>Extracted from </em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Feed Your Brain: the Cookbook</a></strong></span><em> by Delia McCabe available from <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong></span> and wherever good books are sold. RRP $34.99. Image credit: Vanessa Russell.</em></p>

Food & Wine

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A long life is just more time to be healthy and happy

<p>We’re living longer, but to enjoy the extra years in good health you need to make smart lifestyle choices.</p> <p>Ageing expert Dr Hamish Jamieson says a longer life doesn't need to mean eking out an uncomfortable end.</p> <p>Jamieson, a geriatrician and researcher at Otago University, says every decade people live two years longer.</p> <p>In the 1950s it was rare for someone to live to 70-years-old. Now it's more common for people to make to 80 or 90.</p> <p>This age extension has come from improved public health, medicines, nutrition and health awareness, and better treatment for heart disease and some cancers.</p> <p>It's a common myth that living longer just means facing more years of frailty at the end, says Jamieson.  </p> <p>Think of a life span as like a rubber band, he says. If this band has been stretched to 80-90, instead of 70, the frail part at the end is only slightly longer and the years spent living well are extended greatly. </p> <p>"One of the most important things about ageing is that people can take more responsibility for themselves. Investing in healthy ageing is one of the best investments people can make," he says.</p> <p>Consistent changes to lifestyle are the key steps:</p> <p><strong>1. Exercise</strong></p> <p>It's a well-worn mantra, but Jamieson says exercise has a huge impact on health. "It helps bone strength and reduces the risk of osteoporosis, it helps lower the risk of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes, and it probably helps with cancer risk as well." </p> <p>Continuing to move is also an important way to maintain independence. A common trap for older folks is to stop exercising because of a fall or fear of having one. </p> <p>This creates a downward spiral where someone loses strength and balance, making an accident more likely.  "Exercising sensibly at a level recommended by your health professional is really important." Walking or gardening is good and weight training can be great. </p> <p><strong>2. Eating well</strong></p> <p>The value of healthy nutrition is becoming more and more obvious. This is the scientifically backed research, not the fad stuff. </p> <p>"Probably the strongest evidence is for nuts," Jamieson says. "A handful of nuts, about 30 grams a day, seems to protect against heart disease and lowers the risk of mortality."</p> <p>Other key foods are vegetables, especially darker-coloured ones, which have the micro-nutrients that help reduce risks of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.</p> <p>Protein is important for the elderly because it helps fight against the loss of muscle mass that happens with ageing. When muscles shrink, so does strength and balance.</p> <p><strong>3. Being social</strong></p> <p>Having someone around can help lessen the impact of things like pain, depression and anxiety, as well as practicalities like having the right food.</p> <p>Jamieson says isolation is a big problem for people as they get older. When they are in pain, or can no longer drive, they become lonely in their homes.</p> <p>"Kiwi neighbourhood networks aren't as strong as they used to be. Families don't live near elderly and are busier. Knowing this, it's important to remain a social person and develop networks because contact with others is important to happiness. Retirement villages are a positive thing in this regard.</p> <p><strong>4. An active mind</strong></p> <p>This helps lower the risk of dementia, says Jamieson. "If you don't use it, you lose it." Keep mentally active by being social in community groups, doing crosswords, reading, gardening and other mentally challenging activities. Do things you enjoy.</p> <p>Jamieson says sitting in an armchair watching TV doesn't count as mentally challenging. TV is fun, he says, but it's not a good thing to do all day. There needs to be a challenge. </p> <p><strong>5. A good doctor</strong></p> <p>Jamieson says you need a GP who is proactive about running screening tests for conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, but also one who is good at managing and adjusting medications. Medication needed at 80 can be quite different to what's needed at 60 because so many things have changed.</p> <p><strong>6. A good weight </strong></p> <p>Both weight loss and weight gain are major issues in older people. Frailty and losing the ability to do the things you want to are often linked to weight loss. High protein diets and good nutrition are key to treating that.</p> <p>Being overweight causes problems in old age for obvious mobility and health reasons. Jamieson suggests thinking of people as being like a car. "A car's life is based on how many kilometres it's run and how much fuel was used. In a human it is how much energy it is using. So a high calorie intake is associated with a reduced lifespan. A normal calorie intake is with a normal life span."</p> <p>Some studies suggest a lower than normal calorie intake can lead to an extended life, but Jamieson doesn't recommend trying that.</p> <p><em>Written by Ewan Sargent. First appeared on <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></strong></a>.</em></p>


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Cher’s secrets to heathy ageing

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="">Pop star Cher rocked out at the Billboard Music Awards yesterday</a></span>,</strong> proving at 71 years of age that she’s still as fit and healthy as she ever was.</p> <p>When receiving the Billboard Music Icon award the singer, who turned 71 recently on May 20, revealed she could still hold a five-minute plank, an incredible fitness feat.</p> <p>Although we don’t have the fame or fortune of Cher, there are some things we can learn from the septuagenarian pop star. So what are Cher’s secrets to healthy ageing?</p> <p><strong>She doesn't smoke or drink</strong></p> <p>The singer revealed that she rarely drinks and never dabbles in drugs.</p> <p>"Being healthy has always been part of my life. It just works for me," she told Closer in 2013. "There are things I don't like that are unhealthy, like drugs and drinking, so I never got into them to begin with. I smoked cigarettes for a while and I'd have done drugs had I liked them, but they didn't agree with me. I'll only drink three of four times a year too."</p> <p><strong>She follows a vegetarian diet</strong></p> <p>"I don't like meat and so most of things that I like are healthy for you," she told Hello! in 2013.</p> <p><strong>She chooses her food carefully</strong></p> <p>At 71, Cher shows no signs of slowing down, still taking to the road to tour and perform. To keep in such good shape, Cher carefully picks and chooses what she eats and does not.</p> <p>"I try to avoid foods with a high fat content because they make me sluggish and keep my weight up," Cher wrote in her 1991 book, Forever Fit. "Dairy products are not good for us. I weaned myself from whole milk to nonfat milk – if I'm having milk at all. I think cheese is one of the worst things for the body. It doesn't digest well, and most cheeses are too high in fat and cholesterol."</p> <p>Instead Cher focuses on the foods that give her energy and vitality.</p> <p>"I've been concentrating on eating the foods that Robert [Haas, her co-author] has stressed as being terrific: brown rice (not white rice), legumes — lentils, pinto, navy, lima and kidney beans—vegetables, pastas, fruit," she wrote. "Pastas give me a lot of energy, and so do fruits like bananas, papaya and nectarines, because they have a lot of sugar but it isn't refined."</p> <p><strong>She loves to exercise</strong></p> <p>It’s no surprise the pop star has a regular exercise regime, but she’s constantly changing it up and learning new things to keep it interesting.</p> <p>Cher learned how to surf at age 60 and previously spoke about playing Wii Tennis.</p> <p>"I exercise about five times a week because it's something I've always done and I just enjoy it," she told Hello! "I try to play the age card with my trainer but she just doesn't go for it."</p> <p>She told E! News in 2010, "You have to work twice as hard. You have to be in the gym all the time. But I like it. When I was young I was a tomboy. I played sports ... And I'm learning to surf right now. I like that kind of stuff, thank God."</p> <p><strong>She swaps junk food binges for healthy alternatives </strong></p> <p>Like anyone else, Cher has had the occasionally junk food binge. But after suffering from sugar overdoses, she’s discovered healthy treats to tide her over.</p> <p>"I have had some bad binges while making movies. At the end of The Witches of Eastwick, Michelle Pfeiffer, Susan Sarandon and I really went crazy. We'd go from one of our trailers to the other stuffing ourselves with Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Cheese Goldfish, M&amp;Ms, Cokes and Hershey's Kisses," she wrote in her book. "Then Michelle and I found out we could microwave sweet potatoes in four minutes, and that changed our entire lives. We lived on sweet potatoes, baked potatoes and Caesar salads."</p>
