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"Looks nothing like her": Kate Middleton portrait ridiculed

<p>A painted portrait of Kate Middleton has gone viral for all the wrong reasons, after royal fans everywhere claimed the artwork "looks nothing like" the Princess of Wales. </p> <p>The image, created by artist Hannah Uzor, appeared on the front cover of UK magazine <em>Tatler</em>, as the artist recreated Middleton's appearance at a banquet held in South Africa in 2022. </p> <p>The Princess wore a white beaded Jenny Packham gown, and also donned her famous tiara, the Lover’s Knot, which was previously worn by Princess Diana.</p> <p>Uzor explained that in creating the artwork, she was inspired by the composure and bravery demonstrated by the royal mum-of-three in her emotional cancer diagnosis video in March.</p> <p>“A moment of dealing with something difficult, speaking from the heart, having the courage to tackle it head-on,” she explained in awe.</p> <p>However, many royal fans slated the artist on social media, simply asking, “are you kidding me?”.</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by Tatler (@tatlermagazine)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>“This is just plain weird, looks nothing like her,” one person commented.</p> <p>“What have they done to her face,” asked another.</p> <p>A third agreed: “Doesn’t look like Catherine at all. If she wasn’t wearing that dress I’d have no clue as to who it’s meant to be.”</p> <p>“Are you kidding me? … You must be joking,” scorned someone else.</p> <p>Others slated the artwork by saying they believed it looked “like it was created by a child”.</p> <p>“It’s absolutely dreadful and should never have seen the light of day, let alone appear on the cover,” agreed another.</p> <p>Hannah Uzor defended her artwork, saying she had to draw on other sources as she was not able to meet the Princess directly to create her portrait. </p> <p>She said, “When you can’t meet the sitter in person, you have to look at everything you can find and piece together the subtle human moments revealed in different photographs: do they have a particular way of standing or holding their head or hands? Do they have a recurrent gesture?"</p> <p>“[Kate] has really risen up to her role – she was born for this. She carries herself with such dignity, elegance and grace."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Tatler Magazine / Chris Jackson/WPA Pool/Shutterstock Editorial </em></p>


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Royal artist reveals King Charles' reaction to official portrait

<p>Jonathan Yeo, who is known for his portraits of royal family members, has revealed the King and Queen's reaction to the most recent <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">portrait of King Charles</a> which made headlines. </p> <p>The portrait, which was done in four sittings from 2020, featured the King in his crimson Welsh Guards uniform, with a butterfly hovering above his shoulder. </p> <p>"People don't know their own faces, so it's much more useful to see the reaction of someone who knows that person well because they know in a split second if you've captured them," he told <em>The Times</em>. </p> <p>"Sometimes they'll say it, but more often you see it in their face – amazement, pleasure or recognition."</p> <p>He recalled how during his and Charles' final sitting in November, Camilla told him: "Yes, you've got him," with a look of recognition across her face. </p> <p>Yeo also revealed that the King saw the portrait when it was half completed and despite the surprise at the intense colour, he smiled at the painting and said: "It is remarkable how it has turned out." </p> <p>The artist said that the King and Queen were prepared for the mixed reactions from the public. </p> <p>"They knew what to expect," he told the publication, before revealing that the King appeared in good health despite his recent cancer diagnosis. </p> <p>"[Our last sitting] was before his diagnosis. He didn't look remotely ill to me, and he looked amazingly well on Tuesday."</p> <p>"We already had a bit of a rapport and that definitely makes it easier," Yeo said of the painting process. </p> <p>"He was really relaxed and I think it helped that he is interested in the process. We spent a lot of time talking about art and artists, as well as the environment."</p> <p><em>Image: Aaron Chown-PA/POOL supplied by Splash News/ Shutterstock Editorial</em></p> <p> </p>


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King Charles unveils first post-coronation portrait

<p>King Charles has unveiled his first post-coronation portrait in a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace. </p> <p>The painting by Jonathan Yeo - known for portraits of celebrities including Nicole Kidman, Paris Hilton and Grayson Perry - was commissioned in 2020 to celebrate the then Prince of Wales’ 50 years as a member of charitable institution The Drapers’ Company. </p> <p>Yeo had four sittings with the King, with the first sitting when Charles was still Prince of Wales in June 2021 at his country home in Highgrove, and the last sitting in November 2023 at Clarence house. </p> <p>The portrait  – approximately 2.6 metres by 2 metres framed – depicts King Charles wearing the uniform of the Welsh Guard. </p> <p>“It was a privilege and pleasure to have been commissioned by The Drapers’ Company to paint this portrait of His Majesty The King, the first to be unveiled since his Coronation,” the artist said.</p> <p>“When I started this project, His Majesty The King was still His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, and much like the butterfly I’ve painted hovering over his shoulder, this portrait has evolved as the subject’s role in our public life has transformed.</p> <p>“I do my best to capture the life experiences etched into any individual sitter’s face.</p> <p>“In this case, my aim was also to make reference to the traditions of Royal portraiture but in a way that reflects a 21st century monarchy and, above all else, to communicate the subject’s deep humanity,” said Mr Yeo.</p> <p>“I’m unimaginably grateful for the opportunity to capture such an extraordinary and unique person, especially at the historic moment of becoming King.”</p> <p>The King and Queen met The Master of The Drapers’ Company, Tom Harris and Past Master, William Charnley on Tuesday at Buckingham Palace. </p> <p>The portrait will go on public display for a month at the Philip Mould Gallery in London, from May 16 until June 14 and will be displayed at Drapers’ Hall from the end of August.</p> <p><em>Images:</em></p> <p> </p>


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New birthday portrait of Princess Charlotte revealed

<p>The Prince and Princess of Wales have shared a new photo of their daughter, Princess Charlotte, to celebrate her ninth birthday. </p> <p>“Happy 9th birthday, Princess Charlotte! Thank you for all of the kind messages today,” they captioned the portrait of the young royal, which was posted on Instagram. </p> <p>Charlotte smiled confidently for the camera as she leaned against a fence surrounded by flowers in the garden of their home in Windsor.</p> <p>The young royal donned a dark red cardigan, a blue top and a denim skirt with stockings in the picture taken by her mother, Kate Middleton. </p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by The Prince and Princess of Wales (@princeandprincessofwales)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>Royal fans shared their birthday wishes and praised the Princess of Wales' photography skills. </p> <p>“Another gorgeous photo taken by Catherine,” wrote one fan. </p> <p>“Am enjoying seeing her grow up and flourish.”</p> <p>“She’s growing up so fast and isn’t she the image of her father,” another follower wrote.</p> <p>“Magical. Happy birthday young lady,” commented a third. </p> <p>One fan noted that Charlotte had her father’s eyes and her mother’s “beautiful smile”, while a few others commented on how quickly she was growing up. </p> <p>Just last week Charlotte’s younger brother Louis turned six, and as part of their tradition, a portrait <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">photo</a> of him that was taken by his mother was also released. </p> <p><em>Image: Instagram/ Getty</em></p> <p> </p>

Family & Pets

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Sapling planted at Sycamore Gap to "restore hope" removed by National Trust

<p>UK resident Kieran Chapman, 27, is "absolutely gutted" after the sapling he planted in memory of the<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> felled Sycamore Gap tree</a> was heartbreakingly removed by National Trust. </p> <p>The 27-year-old spent hours on Friday planting the sapling just metres away from the stump of the iconic Sycamore Gap tree, but his efforts were in vain, as the sapling had been dug up by the National Trust on Sunday morning. </p> <p>The conservation charity said that they had to remove the sapling because it is a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site.</p> <p>A National Trust spokesperson told the <em>Newcastle Chronicle </em>that while they understand  “the strength of feeling following the events at Sycamore Gap” the site “is a scheduled ancient monument and a globally important archaeological setting, with UNESCO world heritage designation”.</p> <p>“Altering or adding to it can damage the archaeology, and is unlawful without prior consent from government.”</p> <p>But Chapman couldn't hide his disappointment: “It’s just devastating, isn’t it? It genuinely brought people a lot of joy and that’s been taken away," he told the publication. </p> <p>“I honestly thought if it got a good response they might end up keeping it.”</p> <p>Chapman planted the sapling because he wanted to “restore people’s faith in humanity, bring a smile back to people’s faces and just give them a bit of hope”.</p> <p>“I planned to go and take the dog for a walk next weekend there," he added. </p> <p>In a follow up post on Facebook, Chapman added that he was told by the National Trust that his tree will be replanted on another piece of land at the Housesteads Visitor Centre on Hadrian’s Wall. </p> <p>“Too many politics around all this for my liking, the top and bottom of it, it’s a tree, planted in soil. I understand the land is protected, but to protect a tree from being planted in the earth, where they’re designed to be, no matter where it’s location, is crazy,” he wrote.</p> <p>Two people were arrested over the incident,  a 16-year-old boy and 69-year-old former lumberjack. </p> <p>Both have been released on bail, with the lumberjack insisting that he had no involvement in the felling. </p> <p>“You’ve got the wrong feller,” he told<em> The Sun</em>.</p> <p>“I’m a former lumberjack and I’ve just been kicked off my property so I can see why people have pointed the finger.</p> <p>“My brother came down to make sure I hadn’t been arrested as he had heard a rumour that I had cut it down. I didn’t do it," he added. </p> <p><em>Images: Getty/ Facebook</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Autistic boy wins national golf title after only THREE games

<p>In a heartwarming tale that's sure to make your day, a spirited 12-year-old schoolboy from a charming rural town nestled in the Bay of Plenty has ignited pure joy in New Zealand's golfing community – in a story that will warm your heart and put a smile on your face.</p> <p>Meet Bayleigh Teepa-Tarau, the newest sensation in the world of golf, hailing from the picturesque township of Tāneatua, a place so small it doesn't even have its own golf course. But that didn't deter this young prodigy as he set out to conquer the national Zespri AIMS Games held in the vibrant city of Tauranga.</p> <p>The Zespri AIMS Games is one of Australasia’s largest junior sporting events, held annually in Tauranga Moana. Celebrating diversity, the Games provides an opportunity for adolescents from all demographics and education contexts to compete in sporting competitions, to meet others from outside their normal peer group, and to learn and build on their social interaction skills. The Zespri AIMS Games is highly regarded by national education and sporting organisations and is considered a leader in its area.</p> <p>Now, here's the twist that's sure to make you leap with excitement: Bayleigh had played a grand total of just <em>three rounds of golf</em> in his entire life before this tournament! It's almost like a golfing fairytale in the making. Armed with borrowed clubs, a pair of basketball boots and a big beaming smile, our tee-master extraordinaire embarked on his golfing journey, leaving everyone in awe.</p> <p>You might wonder how a newcomer to the game fares in such a prestigious competition. Well, let us tell you, Bayleigh was given a scoring handicap to reflect his beginner status. And did he rise to the occasion! With booming drives and precision iron shots, he amassed a staggering 87 Stableford points over his three nine-hole rounds. A true underdog story.</p> <p>But Bayleigh's triumph doesn't stop there. Alongside his schoolmates Pedro Robinson and Lincoln Reritito, he clinched the team title, earning well-deserved glory for Tāneatua School. They faced off against students from schools all over New Zealand and came out on top.</p> <p>When asked about his love for golf, Bayleigh's face lit up with joy as he exclaimed, "The thing I love about golf is hitting my driver. I dreamed about coming here and finishing in first place. And I had a lot of fun." </p> <p>Thanks to the incredible support system behind this young golfing sensation, Bayleigh's journey to the top wouldn't have been possible without the unwavering support of his family, including his dad Hemi Tarau and Pare Teepa, his grandfather, and nan. Their pride in Bayleigh's accomplishments is immeasurable.</p> <p>What's even more inspiring is that Bayleigh has autism, and his journey has been one of transformation. From spending most of his time in class under his desk, not speaking, to becoming a golfing superstar, it's a testament to his determination and the incredible power of sports to boost confidence and bring joy.</p> <p>And here's another heartwarming twist – Bayleigh's path to golf was paved by his school's teacher-aide, Whetu Wiremu. He noticed Bayleigh's fascination with swinging a stick and decided to introduce him to golf. Wiremu's dedication and passion for the game not only changed Bayleigh's life but also the lives of other young students from Tāneatua School.</p> <p>For Wiremu, it's not just about golf but also about instilling life skills and values. He believes that golf, with its unique blend of competition and camaraderie, can offer these kids opportunities beyond their community, transcending boundaries and challenges.</p> <p>As for Bayleigh's future, he's setting his sights on competing in the Special Olympics. With a heart full of determination and a community that believes in him, there's no telling what incredible heights he'll reach. To that end, a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Give A Little</a> fundraising account has been established to help support this inspiring youngster and help him on his way. </p> <p>In the end, Bayleigh's story reminds us all that joy, determination and unwavering support can overcome any obstacle. It's a testament to the power of dreams, the magic of sports, and the beauty of small communities coming together to celebrate their rising stars.</p> <p><em>Images: </em><em>Jamie Troughton / Dscribe Media</em></p>

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Princess Mary's touching tribute to late mother

<p>Princess Mary has paid tribute to her late mother, Henrietta Donaldson, in an emotional act as she opened up the National Grief Centre in Vejle, Denmark. </p> <p>The Danish Princess, who lost her mother at only 25 years of age, opened the grief centre to provide a place for children and young people who have experienced loss, to come together and talk, share their stories and find support.</p> <p>After giving her opening speech on Wednesday, the royal placed a tribute to her mother on the centre’s Memorial Tree.</p> <p>Pictures of the touching moment were posted on the Danish royal family’s Instagram, with the caption: “Many children and young people feel lonely when parents become seriously ill or die." </p> <p>“Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess today inaugurated The National Grief Centre in Vejle, which gives children, young people and other citizens in the region the opportunity to share their grief with others.</p> <p>“After giving the opening speech, the Crown Princess placed a greeting for her mother on the centre’s Memorial Tree.</p> <p>“Here, visitors to the centre can remember and write a greeting to someone who is seriously ill - or someone they have lost," it concluded. </p> <p>In the series of pictures posted on Instagram, Princess Mary can be seen greeting people at the centre, giving her speech, and hanging her tribute on the tree. </p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by DET DANSKE KONGEHUS 🇩🇰 (@detdanskekongehus)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>Fans have taken to the comments to share their support for the Princess. </p> <p>"Everyone is grieving and having a hard time, children of parents are always children, no matter how old!" wrote one follower. </p> <p>"Our sweet beautiful Mary," wrote another. </p> <p>"That’s truly heartfelt and beautiful. So important to feel supported," commented a third. </p> <p>The Princess' mother died suddenly after complications following a heart surgery in 1997. </p> <p>In a 2016 magazine interview with <em>Women’s Weekly</em>, the Danish royal opened up about her grief and how she lost her mother too early. </p> <p>“It’s so hard to see when it is so close and so personal, but as you get older, you learn to appreciate the time you had together as a gift,” she said.</p> <p>“And the loss offers something that you wouldn’t have otherwise.</p> <p>“It makes a strong person.”</p> <p><em style="color: var(--primary-text-color); font-family: var(--font-family); font-size: 16px; box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: none !important;">Images: <em style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: none !important;">detdanskekongehus Instagram</em></em></p>


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5 memorable locations from ‘80s films to check out

<p>Everyone loves a good movie, and everyone loves a holiday, so what do you get when you combine the two? The time of your life! </p> <p>It’s widely known that the ‘80s spawned a whole host of films that went on to become cult classics - from the likes of <em>Heathers </em>to <em>Footloose</em>, <em>Dirty Dancing</em>, and <em>The Terminator</em> - and forged the way for cultural changes that ring true decades later. </p> <p>But did you also know that for many of these iconic films, real-life locations served as the inspiration for many memorable scenes? </p> <p>And while some may have changed slightly in the years since cast and crew flocked to them, some are like stepping into a time capsule - or a stage for you to re-enact the films as you see fit. </p> <p><strong>Lake Lure, North Carolina - Dirty Dancing (1987)</strong></p> <p>Anyone who’s seen<em> Dirty Dancing</em> can tell you that ‘the lift scene’ is one of the film’s most iconic moments. And it - along with a few others from the film - were filmed in North Carolina’s very own Lake Lure. And with the spot boasting its very own Lake Lure Inn & Spa - where, coincidentally, the movie’s stars stayed while working on the project - it could be the perfect getaway location for your next holiday. </p> <p><strong>Guesthouse International Hotel, California - <em>National Lampoon Vacation</em> (1983) </strong></p> <p>For those embarking on their very own<em> National Lampoon Vacation</em>, you’re in luck - the hexagonal pool is near exactly the same as it was when Chevy Chase’s Clark Griswold enjoyed a nighttime swim with Christie Brinkley’s The Girl in the Ferrari. </p> <p><strong>New York Public Library, New York - <em>Ghostbusters </em>(1984)</strong></p> <p>The 1984 film sparked an entire host of sequels, games, parodies, and conventions for avid fans across the globe - as well as one incredibly catchy song. However, for those that would like to go above and beyond just calling their friendly neighbourhood ghostbusters, the  New York Public Library’s flagship Stephen A Schwarzman building is the spot where the team had their very first encounter with the film’s ghosts. </p> <p><strong>Griffith Observatory, California - <em>The Terminator</em> (1984)</strong></p> <p>Fans of<em> The Terminator </em>should immediately recognise this site as the one where Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator arrived in the nude, and basked in the glory of LA at night. It’s a popular location, and while a must-see for fans of the film, it also makes for a good afternoon out - the observatory itself boasts free entry, stunning views, and a range of fascinating exhibits inside to entertain the keen mind. </p> <p><strong>The Grand Hotel, Michigan - <em>Somewhere in Time </em>(1980)</strong></p> <p>The Grand Hotel was the primary location for romantic drama <em>Somewhere in Time</em>, and they’re proud of it. In fact, a poster for the film is reportedly even still on display there, and hosts weekends of celebration for the 1980 hit, too. </p> <p>The island the hotel is set on doesn’t allow cars, so anyone hoping to throw themselves back in time and fully immerse themselves in a ‘different world’, this National Historic Landmark may be just the place to do it. </p> <p><em>Images: Getty,</em></p>


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American zoo apologises to disgruntled New Zealanders

<p>An American zoo has issued an apology after admitting it made a “huge mistake” that outraged an entire country.</p> <p>Footage of Miami Zoo’s paid encounters with Paora the kiwi went viral online, showing the bird being handled and passed around for pictures in broad daylights and under bright lights despite being a shy, nocturnal animal.</p> <p>The handling of their national icon had New Zealanders fired up, with a petition to save the “mistreated” animal being launched amid the video, which received more than 10,000 signatures.</p> <p>“He has been tamed and is subjected to bright fluorescent lighting four days a week, being handled by dozens of strangers, petted on his sensitive whiskers, laughed at, and shown off like a toy,” the petition read.</p> <p>“Kiwi are nocturnal animals, who should be kept in suitable dark enclosures, and minimally handled.</p> <p>“The best practice manual for kiwi states that they shouldn’t be handled often or taken out of their burrow to be held by the public. He is kept awake during the day, with only a small box in a brightly lit enclosure to mimic his natural underground habitat.”</p> <p>The zoo’s communications director Ron Magill has confirmed the attraction has been cancelled and has issued his own apology in an interview with the <em>New Zealand Herald</em>.</p> <p>“We regret the unintentional stress caused by a video on social media depicting the handling of Paora, the kiwi bird currently housed within Zoo Miami,” Magill said.</p> <p>He also told RNZ he had informed the zoo’s director that “we have offended a nation”.</p> <p>“When I saw the video myself I said we have made a huge mistake here,” he said.</p> <p>“I am so sorry. I am so remorseful. Someone asked how would you feel if we did that to your bald eagle, and you’re 100 per cent right.</p> <p>“I never want to come across as making excuses, I am here to apologise … to everyone. I feel profoundly terrible about this.”</p> <p>However, Magill noted Paora was healthy and well despite the uproar.</p> <p>“He eats like he’s on a spa day every day and he’s doing well. It doesn’t excuse what he was subjected to. But I promise it will never happen again,” he said.</p> <p>After the video went viral, the zoo was bombarded with complaints, with New Zealand’s Department of Conservation confirming it would be “discussing the situation with the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums to address some of the housing and handling concerns raised”.</p> <p>New Zealand prime minister Chris Hipkins also weighed in, claiming the ordeal “shows a lot of Kiwis take pride in our national bird when they’re overseas”.</p> <p>“The New Zealanders who witnessed what was happening there caught it pretty quickly,” he said, adding that the zoo had “made public statements of regret on what’s happened, and I acknowledge that and thank them for taking it seriously”.</p> <p>The kiwi is considered to be a Taonga species - native birds, plants and animals of special cultural significance and importance to native New Zealanders.</p> <p><em>Image credit: Getty</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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National Duck Day: Diana Chan's Seared Duck breast with nashi pears, honey and star anise

<p dir="ltr">The family owned business and Australia’s leading duck producer Luv-a-Duck has partnered up with MasterChef alum and duck lover Diana Chan, to officially launch National Duck Day, which falls on Tuesday May 23rd, 2023. </p> <p dir="ltr">Diana Chan is a Malaysian-Australian and won the 9th season of MasterChef in 2017. She has since become a well-known TV host, menu designer, product creator and restaurateur, turning her passion for food into her career.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">Duck </span>breast with nashi pears, honey and star recipe</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Serves:</strong> 2</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Prep time:</strong> 10 mins </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Cook time: </strong>45 mins</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong> INGREDIENTS: </strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">2 x Luv-A-Duck raw duck breasts </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Salt to taste </p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>For the roasted pears: </strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">2 nashi pears, halved and cored 2 tbsp honey</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Juice of 1 lemon</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">4 whole star anise pods </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tbsp dry vermouth or dry white wine </p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Garnish:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Micro herbs </p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>METHOD: </strong></p> <ol> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Preheat the oven to 180C. Cut 4 pieces of baking paper and aluminium foil enough to cover the pears. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Dip the cut side of the pear in lemon juice (to prevent browning). </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Place 1 star anise in the cored center of each pear. Drizzle 1 tablespoon honey over each star anise.Place a pear half, cut side up, on each piece of baking paper. And wrap with foil on the outside to cover. Twist the foil tightly around the top of each fruit to seal. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Place the pears on a baking tray and bake for 40-45 minutes or until the pears are tender. Remove from the oven and carefully unwrap each pear half. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">To cook the duck, make a few slits diagonally on the skin of the duck breasts about 2 cm apart. Be careful to not slice into the meat. Season liberally with salt. In a cold pan, add in the duck breasts skin side down and cook for 10-12 minutes to render the fat on low heat. Gradually turn the heat up from low to high. Turn the duck breast over and cook for another 5 minutes. Allow the duck breasts to rest for 5 minutes before slicing. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Add the liquid from the pears into the pan with all the duck fat and juices and mix to combine over low heat. </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">To assemble, slice each duck breast into three pieces diagonally. Place on a serving plate with the pears and drizzle over the pan juices over the duck.</p> </li> </ol> <p><em>Image credit: </em><em>Luv-a-Duck</em></p>

Food & Wine

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National Duck Day: Diana Chan’s Luv-a-Duck Peking Duck breast with egg noodles, five spice sauce and fresh cucumber salad

<p dir="ltr">The family owned business and Australia’s leading duck producer Luv-a-Duck has partnered up with MasterChef alum and duck lover Diana Chan, to officially launch National Duck Day, which falls on Tuesday May 23rd, 2023. </p> <p dir="ltr">Diana Chan is a Malaysian-Australian and won the 9th season of MasterChef in 2017. She has since become a well-known TV host, menu designer, product creator and restaurateur, turning her passion for food into her career.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Diana Chan’s Luv-a-Duck Peking Duck breast with egg noodles, five spice sauce and fresh cucumber salad</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Serves:</strong> 2</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Prep time: </strong>10 mins</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Cook time:</strong> 10 mins</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">2 x precooked Luv-A Duck peking duck breasts</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 x 400g packet fresh egg noodles (medium thickness)</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>For the five spice sauce:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tbsp cooking oil</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">2 cloves garlic, minced</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">3 shallots, finely diced</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">50g galangal, sliced</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">50g ginger, sliced</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Leftover liquid from the packet</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tbsp five spice powder</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tbsp tapioca starch mixed with 2 tbsp of water</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>For the cucumber salad:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 continental cucumber, halved and sliced into 5mm thick chunks</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">30g coriander, roughly chopped</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tbsp black vinegar</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tsp sugar</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tbsp soy sauce</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>To garnish:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Freshly sliced spring onions</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tsp toasted sesame seeds</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>METHOD:</strong></p> <ol> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Cook the peking duck breasts according to the packet instructions (microwave or oven) and set aside somewhere warm.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Preheat a large braising pot or wok. Add cooking oil. Add the garlic, shallots, galangal and ginger and fry until aromatic - about 3 minutes or so. Add the sauce from the packet and the five spice. Allow to reduce for 10 minutes.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Mix tapioca starch with water. Pour it into the sauce liquid while stirring at the same time and the liquid will start to thicken. You can add more tapioca mixture if you don't think the sauce  is thick enough.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">While the sauce simmers, reheat the noodles according to the packet instructions.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">To assemble, remove the cooked duck breasts from the packet and slice them into 5mm thickness.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">In a mixing bowl, add in all the ingredients for the cucumber salad and mix to combine.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Place the reduced sauce into the serving bowls, divide the noodles into 2 portions, top with the duck breasts and pour over the sauce. Serve with the cucumber salad on the side. Garnish with some spring onions and sesame seeds.</p> </li> </ol> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credit: Luv-A-Duck</em></p>

Food & Wine

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National Duck Day: Diana Chan’s Luv-a-Duck whole roasted duck with a cinnamon and orange glaze

<p dir="ltr">The family owned business and Australia’s leading duck producer Luv-a-Duck has partnered up with MasterChef alum and duck lover Diana Chan, to officially launch National Duck Day, which falls on Tuesday May 23rd, 2023. </p> <p dir="ltr">Diana Chan is a Malaysian-Australian and won the 9th season of MasterChef in 2017. She has since become a well-known TV host, menu designer, product creator and restaurateur, turning her passion for food into her career.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Diana Chan’s Luv-a-Duck whole roasted duck with a cinnamon and orange glaze</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Serves:</strong> 6-8</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Prep time:</strong> 20 mins</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Cook time:</strong> Approximately 3 hours</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 x Luv-A Duck whole duck</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 lemon, sliced into wheels</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">5 cloves of garlic, chopped</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">2 cinnamon quill</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Cooking salt to rub</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>For the cinnamon and orange glaze:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">½ cup balsamic vinegar</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">¼ cup honey</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Juice of ½ a lemon</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Juice of 1 whole orange</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Pinch of salt</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">1 tsp ground cinnamon</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Buttered greens:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">200g green beans, blanched in boiling water</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">2 garlic cloves minced</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">50g butter</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Pinch of salt and pepper</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>To garnish:</strong></p> <ul> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Freshly chopped coriander</p> </li> </ul> <p dir="ltr"><strong>METHOD: </strong></p> <ol> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Preheat the oven to 180C.  </p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">To prepare the duck, remove the giblets from inside the duck. Rinse the duck, inside and outside, with cold water. Pat dry with paper towels.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Set the duck on the working surface. Score the duck's skin on the breast in a diamond pattern, making sure you only cut the skin, without reaching the meat. Poke the other fatty parts of the duck with the tip of the knife all over, to ensure fat releases. Season the duck very generously with salt both inside the cavity of the duck and outside on the skin, legs, all over. Place the duck breast side up.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Put the chopped garlic, sliced lemons and cinnamon quills inside the duck cavity (NB:these are just for flavor, not for eating - you will discard them after cooking). The duck will have flapping skin on both ends - fold that skin inwards, to hold the garlic and lemon inside. Tie up the duck legs with butcher's twine.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Place the duck breast side up on a large roasting pan with a rack within  (roasting pan should have a roasting rack to lift the duck from the bottom of the pan and allow the fat to drip below the duck).</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Roast the duck, breast side up, for 1 hour at 180C.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">After 1 hour of roasting, flip the duck on its breast and roast it breast side down (roast the other side) for 40 minutes at the same temperature.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Remove the roasting pan with the duck from the oven and carefully pour off all the duck fat juices from the roasting pan into a large glass or metal bowl.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Flip the duck, breast side up again, and place back on the rack in the roasting pan.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Add to the bowl with the juices from the duck fat, combine the balsamic vinegar, honey, lemon juice with the freshly squeezed juice of 1 orange.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Brush all over the duck with the balsamic mixture and cook the duck, breast side up for another 40-50 minutes at 180C, brushing every 10 minutes with the mixture.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">You can carefully use the grill function in the oven to crisp up the duck skin for the last 10-15 minutes (do it carefully, checking the duck regularly to make sure it doesn't burn).</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">In the meantime, prepare to cook the beans. Using a pan over medium heat, add in the butter. Once melted add in the garlic and toss for a few seconds before adding in the beans to coat through.</p> </li> <li dir="ltr" aria-level="1"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation">After the duck is cooked, remove it from the oven, let the duck stand for 15 minutes. Then, carefully remove and discard the lemon from the cavity (being careful not to get burned). Carve the duck and serve with the beans as a side.</p> </li> </ol> <p><em>Image credit: Luv-a-Duck</em></p>

Food & Wine

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Bindi Irwin's sweet snap on National Siblings Day

<p>Bindi Irwin has shared a wholesome snap to pay tribute to her brother on National Siblings Day. </p> <p>The wildlife warrior took to Instagram to post a throwback photo of herself and her younger brother Robert in commemoration of the family day. </p> <p>In the childhood photo, Robert seems to be sitting on Bindi's shoulders, who said she is "Grateful to call you my brother."</p> <p>In another post of a more recent photo of the dynamic duo, Bindi wrote, "Happy <a tabindex="0" role="link" href="">#NationalSiblingDay</a> to the very best. Thank you for your support, friendship and making every day fun. So proud of all that you are achieving. I’ll always be here to cheer you on!"</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by Bindi Irwin (@bindisueirwin)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>Robert was quick to comment on the post, writing, "Love you Bindi!!!"</p> <p>Fans of the wildlife warriors shared their adoration for the siblings, commenting on the strength of their relationship. </p> <p>One person wrote, "So sweet, best sibling pair out there. You guys are amazing and bring so much good into the world!"</p> <p>Another simply said, "Steve would be so proud," while others commented on how much 19-year-old Robert is beginning to look like this late dad.</p> <p>One user chimed in, "If only we all got along with our siblings the way you guys seem to... maybe it’s the advocating for a common cause."</p> <p>"I idolised your late dad and I’m proud my children are looking up to you both as role models too," another said.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Instagram</em></p>

Family & Pets

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Rare, unseen Beatles pics released ahead of landmark exhibition

<p dir="ltr">On Thursday, The UK's National Portrait Gallery unveiled five photos from Paul McCartney’s personal archives, teasing a series of unseen photographs of Beatlemania through his own eyes.</p> <p dir="ltr">The exhibition, "Paul McCartney Photographs 1963-64: Eyes Of The Storm”, will run for three months from the 28th of June and is set to showcase what McCartney calls a "humbling yet also astonishing" experience.</p> <p dir="ltr">McCartney approached the gallery in 2020, after stumbling across the images taken on his Pentax camera, which he thought were lost.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Looking at these photos now, decades after they were taken, I find there's a sort of innocence about them," he said..</p> <p dir="ltr">"Everything was new to us at this point. But I like to think I wouldn't take them any differently today.</p> <p dir="ltr">"They now bring back so many stories, a flood of special memories, which is one of the many reasons I love them all, and know that they will always fire my imagination," he added.</p> <p dir="ltr">The images include black-and-white self-portraits shot in a mirror in Paris, John Lennon also in the City of Love, George Harrison in Miami Beach, and Ringo Starr in London.</p> <p dir="ltr">These are five out of the 250 images shot by McCartney between November 1963 and February 1964, and the exhibition will feature in the London gallery's reopening after three years of refurbishments.</p> <p dir="ltr">An accompanying book of photographs and reflections will also be published on June 13.</p> <p dir="ltr">Click <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a> to see the five recently released images.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Images: 1964 Paul McCartney / National Portrait Gallery</em></p>


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Royal photographer admits to faking iconic shot

<p>Jason Bell, the photographer responsible for the official family portraits from Prince George’s 2013 christening, has revealed the truth about the shots - and admitted to faking one significant detail. </p> <p>In the documentary <em>Portrait of the Queen</em>, Bell admitted to feeling pressure over getting the shot just right. It was, after all, the first time that four generations of direct heirs had been captured together in over a century - since Queen Victoria’s reign specifically. </p> <p>The iconic picture sees the Queen and her four heirs - Prince Charles (now King Charles), Prince William, and Prince George - gathered around the chair upon which the Queen sits in the Morning Room at Clarence House, with sunlight streaming in around them. </p> <p>The catch? The light wasn’t real. </p> <p>“A christening picture is a happy picture,” Bell explained, “and when I think about happy, I think about - sort of - summer, and sun, and light, and bright. </p> <p>“So I think in a way, that was my first creative decision going into it. I want[ed] it to feel like a beautiful, warm, summer-y afternoon.</p> <p>“Obviously, the problem with that was I was actually doing the shoot in October in London and, you know, I’m a longtime Londoner, and I know that you can’t rely on London weather.</p> <p>“So, what I did was I put big heavy lights around all of the windows and the window behind them outside in the street. And, you know, to get enough light coming through the windows to really feel like a sort of summer afternoon, you know, you need quite a lot of light.”</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p>As well as the big creative decisions necessary on the day, Bell had to plan well ahead, and explained how “it’s always important to research around the project and you know, see what people have done before – who goes where. Where does the Queen go? Where does Prince George go?</p> <p>“You’re thinking about the sort of lineage, if you like, and the structure of the picture wants to reflect [that].”</p> <p>Bell also admitted that he drew inspiration from a portrait of Queen Victoria and her heirs in 1894 - in that picture, Queen Victoria was holding her youngest direct heir, who would go on to become King Edward VIII. </p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by Jason Bell (@jasonbellphoto)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>And with the opportunity may have been daunting, and the stakes for his career high, Bell noted that one detail in particular stood out to him, confessing that he was “quite drawn” to it. </p> <p>“The personal element of it, you know, is the same as it is in any other family,” he said, “and that’s kind of interesting watching, you know, them be[ing] a family together if you like.”</p> <p><em>Images: @jasonbellphoto / Instagram, </em><em>Portrait of the Queen / Sharmill</em></p>


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“How dare they do this to our national lolly”: This pineapple is not fineapple

<p>There are two things that are important when selecting your next sweet treat: taste and truth. </p> <p>Though the latter may apply more to the unfortunate souls in New Zealand who have been forced to confront the truth about a beloved national snack. One popular confectionary brand - which clearly is not at “the pineapple of politeness” - has been exposed for lying about their “handmade” products.</p> <p>Potter Brothers Pineapple Chews are a lolly staple, and even managed to take the crown in a taste test between New Zealand’s primary pineapple parties. <em>The Spin Off</em> judges were so impressed with the treats that they placed them above Pascall Pineapple Lumps, who had led the competition for years beforehand.</p> <p>The win, however, did not pack a fruit punch for one New Zealand resident, who had some suspicions about the validity of the company’s chews.</p> <p>Two years prior, Courtnay Adele had recorded her discovery that Potter Brothers Pineapple Chews did not appear to be the lovingly homemade confections that they claimed to be. </p> <p>In the clip - posted to TikTok with the caption “How dare they do this to our national lolly” - Courtnay explained that she’s someone who likes to nibble the chocolate coating from her lollies, and after demonstrating, it was clear to see that there was “a layer of chocolate over another layer of chocolate.” </p> <p dir="ltr">She went on from there to surmise that the packet - which contained more air than it did food - did not have 100% handmade treats, and instead they were just “normal pineapple lump[s] that this company has just covered with their own chocolate”.</p> <div class="embed" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: none !important;"><iframe class="embedly-embed" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; vertical-align: baseline; width: 620.262px; max-width: 100%; outline: none !important;" title="tiktok embed" src=";display_name=tiktok&amp;;;key=59e3ae3acaa649a5a98672932445e203&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=tiktok" width="340" height="700" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> <p> </p> <p dir="ltr">The prickly affair wasn’t to end there, with the Potter Brothers’ win leaving a sour taste in Courtnay’s mouth, and forcing her to revisit the scandal.</p> <p>As she told <em></em>, “after Potter Brothers were ranked at number one, I went and got a new bag to see if they were still doing the same thing I had discovered years earlier. </p> <p>“The bag I got was definitely still recoated pineapple lumps, so I commented on the original story and it started getting some traction.”</p> <p>People shared her dismay, with even those who don’t like the lollies jumping in to demand answers, and Courtnay eventually shared an update with her followers, stressing that the issue was in the company’s marketing. </p> <p>With the internet riled up over Pineapplegate, and local TV news stations picking up the story, the company felt it necessary to issue a statement addressing the scandal. </p> <p>“When we started, we were young, excitable, and naive,” <em></em> reported a statement to read, “and didn’t consider how the use of some words in our content may not be appropriate. </p> <p>“We stress that this was not intentional and these are learnings that have been taken to heart in recent times.”</p> <p>And since the news first broke, references to the lollies’ ‘handmade’ nature have been removed from the company’s website, while the packaging now reads “Small Batch Made in New Zealand”.</p> <p>Courtnay, for one, has no intentions of sticking around to find out if that’s true, telling her followers that “I won’t be buying them again. I’ll stick with the OG pineapple lumps.” </p> <p><em>Images: TikTok</em></p>

Food & Wine

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Ticked off trekker exposes family’s selfish act

<p>Australian bushwalkers are bristling at one family’s claim over an entire viewing platform in Victoria.</p> <p>A picture, shared to Reddit, shows a family - of at least four - taking over at Wilsons Promontory National Park with their set up. Camp chairs, bags, and meal trays can be seen around them, blocking access to the viewing point for anyone else who might like to enjoy what the park has to offer.</p> <p>The area - well known for its stunning vistas and bountiful wildlife - is a popular weekend retreat for tourists and locals alike, and Parks Victoria have revealed that it gets “extremely busy over summer”.</p> <p>“This family [is] taking up an entire sightseeing platform so nobody else can take photos,” the poster stated.</p> <p>“It’s a long weekend,” he continued below, “so Wilsons Promontory was very busy. A lot of people missed out on great photos and views because these people wanted it for themselves.”</p> <p>One had a simple, if not entirely beneficial solution, declaring that “confrontation is not always wrong.”</p> <p>“As I walked past, a guy said ‘that's just f***ing rude’,” the individual behind the post responded.</p> <p>“Especially in the case of entitled twats, I feel sorry for the kids though, they have parents who convince them shit like this is ok,” agreed another.</p> <p>“This park have rangers?” enquired one. “I'd be getting them to get those a***oles outta there.”</p> <p>“Despite being 2hrs from civilisation, it was packed because it's a long weekend here,” the original poster responded. “There's a huge campground nearby that was completely full.</p> <p>“But I didn't see any rangers all day, just a bus driver shuttling people up a mountain because the car park at the top would have been overflowing if everyone drove up.”</p> <p>Another shared their past experience with the spot, noting that they’d seen the same thing happen before, and that they’d just gone over and taken pictures anyway.</p> <p>“They then realised they were in the way,” they said of their encounter, “apologised, moved a little, and we had a chat about the weather. People do dumb s*** all the time without taking into consideration other people.”</p> <p>“I’m wondering this too if maybe they didn’t connect that it was a specific overlook platform at the time of the pic,” mused one responder.</p> <p>Meanwhile, another only had “never assume malice when stupidity will suffice” to say.</p> <p>Some, however, had a little more compassion for the family in the picture, writing that there were a lot of people “describing how they'd solve this problem. How about ‘excuse me, can I take some photos here?’ like a normal person?”</p> <p>“Exactly. I cringed. Like what if they just thought they stumbled upon the spot and were like ‘let’s picnic real quick’ and didn’t know people were going out of their way to find that spot or just that it’s a viewpoint spot,” another offered in agreement. “I have to sympathise, we’re all humans and hopefully it was not malicious. Just parents trying to have fun with their children?”</p> <p>“Duuuude, seriously,” one more wrote. “The ‘perpetrators’ might not even know [that] what they’re doing isn’t cool. It looks like they hiked out there and saw a decent spot to chill.”</p> <p><em>Images: Reddit</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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"Genuinely joyous": Danish palace releases new birthday portraits

<p>The Danish Royal family have celebrated the birthdays of Princesses Mary and Princess Marie with stunning new portraits. </p> <p>The photos of Princess Mary - who turned 51 on February 5 - and Princess Marie - who turned 47 on February 6 - were shared to Instagram on their respective birthdays by the official royal account. </p> <p>Mary’s portrait, taken by Stine Heilmann, featured the caption “Today is Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess's 51st Birthday”.</p> <p>In the picture, Mary is smiling and wearing a recycled Carolina Herrera polka dress that she has been spotted in numerous times before - a move that has drawn praise from her supporters. </p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by DET DANSKE KONGEHUS 🇩🇰 (@detdanskekongehus)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>Many from all around the world sent their birthday wishes in the comment section, but it was Mary’s Australian fans who expressed their pride along with it. </p> <p>“Mary beautiful Mary born to be a Queen - you make Australia very proud,” commented one supporter of the Australian born royal. </p> <p>“Happy Birthday Mary, love from Australia. You have become an amazing princess and we are very proud of you,” wrote another.</p> <p>Marie’s portrait was captured by Steen Brogaard, and was captioned similarly to Mary’s, “Her Royal Highness Princess Marie has a birthday and turns 47 today”.</p> <p>Marie opted for a white blazer and shirt combo for her photo, accessorising with a smile and some stunning diamond earrings. </p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by DET DANSKE KONGEHUS 🇩🇰 (@detdanskekongehus)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>Like Mary’s, the comments on Marie’s post were a sea of “happy birthday” wishes, with Marie’s fans eager to share their thanks for the new look at their princess and to sing her praises. </p> <p>“I just love the way everyone in Denmark is so genuinely joyous and respectful towards their royal family,” said one, “and happy birthday to Princess Marie.“</p> <p>“Congratulations to the most beautiful in the Royal House,” commented one fan. </p> <p>“Congratulations to our beautiful, natural and talented Princess Marie,” agreed another. </p> <p>The portraits were released as Queen Margrethe II of Denmark’s grandsons Count Nikolai, 23, and Count Felix de Monpezat, 20, were spotted in public for the first time since <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">losing their royal titles</a>. </p> <p>The two, Nikolai and Felix, were attending the memorial service for their grandmother Christa Manley in Vienna, Austria, on January 27.</p> <p>Despite reports of tension in the royal household, the new portraits offer fans an insight into the warmer side of things, and a welcome change of pace. </p> <p><em>Images: Instagram</em></p> <p> </p>

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New book points to Queen Elizabeth's true cause of death

<p dir="ltr">When Queen Elizabeth died, her <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">official death certificate</a> read that she had died of “old age”.</p> <p dir="ltr">But now a biographer has claimed that the late monarch was battling a form of myeloma, bone marrow cancer, before her death.</p> <p dir="ltr">In British author Gyles Brandreth's new book, Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait, he claims that he “heard” the Queen had cancer in the lead-up to her death, and that she kept it to herself after Prince Philip died.</p> <p dir="ltr">“I had heard that the Queen had a form of myeloma — bone marrow cancer — which would explain her tiredness and weight loss and those ‘mobility issues’ we were often told about during the last year or so of her life,” an extract from the book published in The Daily Mail reads.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The most common symptom of myeloma is bone pain, especially in the pelvis and lower back, and multiple myeloma is a disease that often affects the elderly.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Currently, there is no known cure, but treatment — including medicines to help regulate the immune system and drugs that help prevent the weakening of the bones — can reduce the severity of its symptoms and extend the patient’s survival by months or two to three years.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Brandreth was a friend of the late Prince Philip and a former politician, and explained that the Queen wanted to be by her husband’s side in his final moments.</p> <p dir="ltr">She, however, considered it her duty to continue despite her “intense personal grief” after Prince Philip’s death.</p> <p dir="ltr">Sunrise royal editor Rob Jobson said that the bone cancer rumours were upsetting but the truth of the matter is that they were going around for quite some time as the Queen’s health deteriorated.</p> <p dir="ltr">“She was clearly suffering in that build-up.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“I think even Brandreth himself wrote that [cancer] was what he heard, he’s not actually saying it was definite.</p> <p dir="ltr">“But the details were swirling around for a very long time and that was one of the main things that was reoccurring.”</p> <p dir="ltr">The rumours continue just months after royal biographer <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Lady Colin Campbell</a>, who is most well-known for her books about Princess Diana and the Queen Mother, also claimed that the Queen was suffering from a serious bone condition.</p> <p dir="ltr">Lady Campbell, however, wouldn’t reveal “the word that accurately conveys her diagnosis” out of respect for her “dignity and privacy”.</p> <p dir="ltr">“If she wants to reveal that word, or her advisors wish to reveal it, that is up to them. I don’t think one needs to use the word to get across the point that I think most people will be able to pick up, that this is a really serious situation,” Lady Campbell said in a video just prior to announcing the monarch’s passing.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The condition has been induced, in part, according to people who know her well, has been created by the tremendous stress to which she has been subjected over the last three years.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Can you imagine an older woman, as her life is winding down, and she is hoping to enjoy the last few years of her life in good health, being bombarded by the tremendous abuse to which she and the monarchy have been subjected?"</p> <p dir="ltr">She went on to say she had tried to warn people that the Queen was “far more ill than they thought she was” over the few months prior to Her Majesty’s death.</p> <p dir="ltr">“I have on several occasions in the last few weeks, if not months, made the point that she had been affected to her bones. I used that repeatedly to get across the point that what she was suffering from was a malady of the bones,” she continued.</p> <p dir="ltr">“There are two maladies of the bones, one is more painful than the other. Fortunately the Queen’s malady, although it falls in the same category and condition of the more painful one, has been the less painful one.</p> <p dir="ltr">“It has been restrictive, and I will not go into the medical treatments she has been receiving. I have previously indicated that her bruising was due to cannulas and I have left it at that.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image: Getty</em></p>
