Ben Squires
Travel Trouble

Traveller arrested after money-saving trick backfires spectacularly

A traveller’s money-saving trick has backfired spectacularly as he was arrested at the airport for wearing too many clothes in a bid to avoid excess baggage fees.

Ryan Carney Williams was planning to travel from Iceland to England in eight pairs of pants and 10 shirts that wouldn’t fit in his checked luggage. But once he got to the British Airways desk, he was promptly denied a boarding pass.

Icelandic news site Mbl reports the overdressed traveller was turned away for being rude, and when he refused to leave the desk a security guard was called in.

Williams claims in a tweet that he was arrested, sprayed with mace and held on the ground after refusing to leave, but maintains he was polite in the incident.

After a police report, Williams was sent back to the airport the next day, this time clearing check-in and security before being turned away to the gate.

“And AGAIN! Refused from 2 flights in 2 days for no valid reason,” he wrote on Twitter.

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Hero image credit: Ryan Hawaii / Twitter 

travel, baggage, International travel, clothing, Iceland, Ryan Carney Williams, Ryan Hawaii