Rachel Fieldhouse
Travel Trouble

“Sorry you’re over me”: Jacinda Ardern calls out online hater

Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone’s patience is wearing thin - and even prime ministers aren’t immune.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern reminded people that they could just keep scrolling during one of her Facebook live streams, after one user left an irritating comment.

“Over you. Over your mandate. People are suffering from your poor choices. Merry Xmas Aotearoa,” the user wrote.

Ardern, who has used Facebook live to provide updates and answer questions from viewers, usually doesn’t respond to the negative comments she receives.

This time, she decided to directly address the woman during the video.

“Um, Amanda. Sorry you’re over me. But you don’t have to stay on my Facebook Live if I’m bothering you,” the Prime Minister said.

“I’m sure there are many other things you could do with your time if you find this irritating.”

Ardern moved on, continuing to answer questions about Covid cases and vaccine numbers.

She also took time during the 12-minute video to answer questions about vaccine mandates for children, clarifying that the government would “absolutely not” introduce those rules.

“It’s not something we do. Once we receive the advice on vaccines for kids, of course then we would support or encourage, but not mandates.”

Earlier in the video, Ardern shared the news that the government had recently purchased 60,000 doses of a new antiviral drug for COVID-19. 

“What the early evidence suggests is that this particular drug, if taken between three to five days of the onset of your symptoms, can reduce severe illness and hospitalisation,” she explained.

“It’s fantastic for New Zealand.”

The new drug still requires approval from Medsafe before it can be used.

Images: Jacinda Ardern (Facebook) / @Ash_Stewart (Twitter)

Travel trouble, Jacinda Ardern, Facebook, COVID-19