Travel Trouble

4 tips to follow if you don't want to offend anyone in Bali

As Bali is a popular tourist destination for many, it’s important to remember that the island is steeped in strong customs and traditions. This means that the etiquette that may be the norm for the island is different to the way things are back home.

Follow these four tips in order to not offend anyone while travelling in Bali.

1. Don’t point with your index finger

Pointing with your index finger in Bali is considered rude and should be avoided at all costs. If you do need to point at something while giving directions, either use your whole hand or the thumb of your right hand. 

2. Don’t give or receive with your left hand

In Bali, the left hand is used for self-cleaning as Balinese people do not typically use toilet paper and clean with water instead.

Therefore, if you give or receive anything with your left hand, it is seen as impolite as the right hand is known for cleanliness.

However, if you forget, don’t be too worried as the Balinese people are used to the habits of Western travellers.

3. Don’t touch the head of a Balinese person

Although it seems unlikely to happen, it’s better to know this information and not need it instead of the other way around.

In Balinese culture, the head of the body is sacred and touching someone else’s is a sign of disrespect. This can include ruffling a small child’s hair.

4. Be aware of your surroundings

While walking on the streets of Bali, you may have noticed offerings of flowers, palm leaves and herbs around the island. These are known as canang sari, which are daily offerings made by the Balinese Hindu people as a symbol of thanks.

Stepping on or kicking canang sari is considered deeply disrespectful, so make sure to watch where you’re walking.
