Danielle McCarthy
Travel Trouble

17 weight gain traps on cruise ships to be wary of

Don’t come home with too much excess baggage.

1. All-inclusive mentality

Just because it’s free, doesn’t mean you have to eat/drink it. Many people get into the mindset that they should take advantage of every tasty thing a cruise ship has on offer because they’ve already paid for it. You don’t!

2. No routine

A stable and healthy routine is proven to be one of the best ways to keep your weight in check. On a cruise, that all goes out the window – and the kilos creep on…

3. Portion sizes

It’s only too easy to load up your plate at the buffet and eat twice what you normally would. Choose a small plate and take it easy.

4. Soft drink

Many cruise ships include all you can drink soda with meals, but they are just empty calories in a glass. Stick to water.

5. Cooked breakfast

Most people don’t eat a full cooked breakfast every day at home, so it’s a shock to the system to start when on a cruise. Try to start the day with a light meal

6. Too much booze

How often do you drink at home? A couple of times a week? On a cruise you’re likely to imbibe every day and alcohol can quickly add to your waistline. Keep it to one or two at dinner and aim for an alcohol free day now and then.

7. Creamy cocktails

There can be more than 200 calories in a piña colada, so creamy cocktails add up quickly. Try vodka and soda water or a white wine spritzer instead.

8. Constant snacking

Food is available 24 hours a day on a ship, there are multiple food outlets and you don’t have to cook any of it. So it’s very easy to fall into a pattern of eating round the clock.

9. Multiple courses

How often do you eat a full three-course lunch and three-course dinner at home? Hardly ever. But on a cruise ship, it’s the norm and you’ll quickly notice the impact.

10. Extra bread

Stay away from the bread basket! It will be brought to your table every time you dine at the main or specialty restaurants and adds heaps of unnecessary calories to your meal.

11. Lack of exercise

Sure, there’s a gym onboard, but more often than not you’ll find it empty. People pack their exercise gear with the best of intentions but most fall out of their usual exercise regime.

12. Local delicacies

When you arrive in a new destination, trying the food is usually top of the list. It’s amazing how many extra calories you can pack in just by sampling a few local treats.

13. Using the elevators

On a modern cruise ship, you could get away without taking the stairs for weeks at a time. Burn some excess calories and steer clear of the elevators.

14. Being unprepared

At breakfast, grab some pieces of fruit from the buffet so you can snack throughout the day. Otherwise, you’ll head straight for the burger stand or ice cream bar when you’re feeling puckish.

15. Lazy excursions

Many shore excursions involve little more than sitting on a bus or lying on a beach all day – hardly conducive to fitness. Try to choose active excursions where you can.

16. Added extras

Cooking classes, dessert demonstrations, movie nights with popcorn – there are lots of opportunities onboard to consume food outside of meal times. Be aware of the extras you’re eating every day.

17. Confusing boredom with hunger

Sea days can stretch out (especially if the weather is bad) so you might try to fill some time with eating rather than activities. Stop and ask yourself if you’re really hungry.

travel, cruise, weight, Ships, traps, gain, wary