Danielle McCarthy
Travel Tips

Why plane seats are always the colour blue

Flying can cause a wide variety of emotions for different people. For some it can be an escape from the demands of everyday life and for others it is a stressful experience.

Airlines understand this and try to make the experience as peaceful as possible, starting with the colours of the seats.

Most planes have blue seats, even when the airline has a different signature colour, and it is not because it hides dirt easily.

The reason behind the seats being blue is because the colour produces calming chemicals in the body, reducing the chance of plane rage.

The experts at Colour Psychology said, “Blue is a colour that suggests peace — it’s the colour of the calm sea and the clear sky, both of which are linked to inner serenity, calm and clarity.” 

“Blue is also shown to slow heart rate and breathing, so it can be a good colour to aid in meditation or relaxation.”

The colour is also associated with feelings of being trustworthy, which is why many wear this colour to job interviews.

Colour also manipulates a person’s senses. 48 per cent of people in a study believed a soft drink in a blue glass would be more thirst-quenching due to the colour’s association with the cold.

Airlines believe the colour will help make passengers feel cooler.

In the 1970s and '80s, airlines installed red seats in cabins but later removed them after they found the bright colour triggered angry emotions in passengers. 

tips, travel, colour, plane, Seats, why, blue, always