Ben Squires
Travel Tips

Why hotels don't call you about stuff you accidentally left behind

With the contact details of all their guests on hand, and staff coming in to clean the room straight after you’ve gone, it’s a little strange to think why hotels don’t get in touch if you’ve left something behind. But, as it turns out, there’s a very good reason hotel staff leave your left-behind belongings to gather dust in the lost property bin.

According to The Sun, too many hotel staff members have had their fingers burnt by chasing guests who had been using their room to have an affair, blowing their cover.

One former innkeeper in the US said her staff were forbidden from calling guests.

I was an innkeeper at a 24-room historic inn in Vermont for several years,” Tammy Geist Long revealed on Quora.

“One of our hard and fast rules was that we never called a guest if they left an item in their room and it was found after they checked out.

“We documented and held items, which were usually phone chargers, clothing, sunglasses and occasionally a camera or jewellery, but unless the guest called us looking for their item, it stayed in the lost and found.

The reason was that we knew nothing about the private lives of the people who stayed with us.”

She continued: “We never knew when Mrs Smith was going to answer the phone and tell us that Mr Smith wasn’t at a quaint Vermont inn last weekend, he was at a dentist convention in Toledo.

“Whoops — that lesson was learned the hard way. And only once.”

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lost, travel, hotel, Travel tips, staff