Danielle McCarthy
Travel Tips

The one thing you should ask your doctor before travelling

If you’re someone who requires medication as part of your day to day life the prospect of a long-term trip can be quite tricky. Especially if you’re thinking of venturing to a remote destination, or a country which speaks another language.

But this shouldn’t be a reason not to go on a holiday.

Provided you check in with one important person, as travel expert Rachel Kurzup says on her popular travel blog, there’s one person you should check in with.

And that’s your GP.

Rachel says if you’re planning to go on holidays and you’re taking medication (even if you’ve got more than enough for your trip) it’s a good idea to get your doctor to write a letter which states which medications you’re taking.

“It’s a good idea to keep this letter with your important documents in case you get questioned about your medication,” she writes.

“Every country has different laws on pharmaceuticals so it’s good to be prepared with an explanation of what your medications are and why you are taking them. The letter will also come in handy if you get ill and are asked what medications you are taking by a foreign doctor who won’t know your previous medical history. Having the letter from your doctor just makes these situations a little easier.”

Do you travel with medication? What advice would you give to someone who does?

travel, letter, Doctor, before, ask, what, medication