Danielle McCarthy
Travel Tips

How to tell if travel reviews are trustworthy

Review sites like TripAdvisor have changed the way we travel. But you need to be smart about how you use them.

1. Check the date

Many reviews can be months or even years old and a lot can change in that time. If the review complains about a property being run down or having outdated facilities, it’s worth doing a quick check of its website to see if there have been any recent renovations (or if there are any currently underway). A change of management can also mean a world of difference in a relatively short time.

2. Review the reviewer

As a general rule of thumb, the more reviews someone has posted the more reliable they are. If someone has only ever posted one review – and it was terrible – they may have a personal agenda or an unusually bad experience. TripAdvisor ranks its contributors according to how often they post and how many times they are read. You can also easily review their entire contribution history, which will give you a good idea of how consistent and trustworthy they are.

3. Look for the locals

When you’re trying to find great bars, restaurants or attractions, locals – rather than travellers – are usually your best bet. They are more likely to regularly visit these places, seek out good value for money and have a better idea of how they compare to the others in town. They are also less likely to be attracted to tacky tourist traps that just rely on passing trade – and are almost always average.

4. Try to spot the fakes

Review sites are constantly trying to develop systems to weed out fake reviews, both negative and positive. These can be posted by people from the hotel or their PR team and give exceedingly glowing reviews. Similarly, negative reviews can be posted by competitors or someone with an axe to grind. They can be hard to spot, but we suggest reading everything with a little cynicism.

5. Look at the photos

As the saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words. Have a look at the images posted by users and see if they match up with their comments. You might be surprised.

Do you use reviews sites like TripAdvisor? Share your tips in the comments below. 

tips, advice, travel, sites, review