Danielle McCarthy
Travel Tips

How to deal with screaming children on a plane

Take a deep breath. It’s going to be a long flight.

Ask to be moved to another seat

If the child is right next to you, politely ask the flight attendant if there are any spare seats elsewhere in the plane. That won’t fix the problem entirely, but a little distance is always a good thing. If they say no, don’t argue with them.

Block out the noise

This is where your earplugs or headphones come in. If you travel frequently, a good quality pair of noise cancelling headphones can be a lifesaver. Put them on and either try to get to sleep or find yourself an engrossing movie.

Speak to the parents

There’s not much you can do about a screaming baby, but older children are (somewhat) easier to control. If toddlers are the ones making the noise, or kicking your seat and being generally disruptive, politely but firmly ask the parents to intervene. Sometimes parents become so use to the general hollering that they don’t even notice.

Speak to the child

If the child is old enough to understand, you can also politely ask them to keep it down. It’s amazing how children will listen to the words of a stranger while they have been happy to ignore their parents. The caveat here is that you can’t be angry or in any way threatening. You don’t want to start a fight with the family.

Offer to help

People can get very touchy when a stranger tries to intervene in their parenting, so you’ll need to proceed with caution. However, if you can see they look completely exhausted or it’s a solo parent struggling with multiple children, this could be the time to gently offer some assistance. It can be as simple as watching the kids while they go to the bathroom in peace or, if you’re feeling very generous, talking the little one for a walk up and down the aisle.

deal, tips, travel, Children, plane, how, to, screaming