Danielle McCarthy
Travel Tips

How an empty dental floss container comes in handy when you travel

From your passport to your toothbrush and a good set of ear plugs, there are some obvious items you should never travel without. But there are often other items we could pack that are equally as useful, but not quite as obvious.

For instance, you wouldn’t think an empty dental floss pack would find its way onto many people’s packing list (even full ones probably don’t make the cut). But these packs can actually be repurposed into travel tools that are quite useful.

Smarter Travel’s Elissa Leibowitz-Poma explains:

“When your dental floss runs out, don’t throw away the box,” she says.

“Instead, use it to hide cash when you’re traveling. The box stays in my toiletry kit, and I’m pretty sure a burglar, even if he looked in my toiletry bag, likely wouldn’t open up the floss.”

What are your thoughts? Will you bring an empty dental floss pack on your travels?

tips, travel, floss, empty, without, never, pack