Rizna Mutmainah
Travel Tips

Flight attendant reveals why planes have tiny holes in their windows

Have you ever wondered why there are tiny holes at the bottom of a plane window? 

Flight attendant Henny Lim has revealed the reason why they are there, and why it is such an important feature on planes. 

The tiny hole, otherwise known as a “bleed hole” serves as a major safety function to help balance the pressure difference between the cabin and the outside air.

“If you’ve ever sat in the window seat on a flight, you’ve probably noticed the tiny hole at the bottom of the window,” she said.

This is because cabin windows on commercial planes are usually made up of three layers of glass and acrylic to keep them strong and insulated.

The bleed hole allows for a controlled flow of air between the layers, equalising the pressure and reducing stress on the window panes.

It also helps prevent condensation as the temperature changes at higher altitudes, allowing a small amount of dry air to flow between the three layers, which keeps the windows clear. 

“It also has another purpose, which is to release moisture and stop frost or condensation from blocking your view,” Lim added.

Lim has grown a following on social media for sharing insider tips and knowledge on planes and flying, including why  flight attendants sit on their hands during take-off and landing. 

Images: TikTok


Travel Tips, Plane, Flights