Danielle McCarthy
Travel Tips

5 best ways to protect valuables at the beach

Nothing puts a dampener on a beach day like returning from the surf to find your valuables missing. Unfortunately, the days where you could expect to return from the surf with your possessions still where you left them are long gone. 

Here are five best ways to protect valuables at the beach.

1. Just take enough cash for the day

The best way to minimise your losses at the beach? Minimise your possessions. Cut your losses by only taking enough cash to get you to the beach and back.

2. Bury valuables in a sandwich bag

You don’t need to embark upon a major excavation, but putting your phone, keys and wallet in a sandwich bag then burying them in the sand underneath your bag, shoes or towel can be a good way to hide them from potential thieves.

3. Pick a spot in view of the lifeguards

While your valuables will be out in plain sight, choosing a spot in direct view of the lifeguards generally is enough of a deterrent to dissuade all but the canniest kleptos.

4. Go into the ocean in shifts

If you’re just after a brief dip, going into the ocean in shifts and leaving someone back onshore to look after the bags isn’t necessarily the worst idea in the world, and you will be certain nothing’s going to happen to your valuables.

5. Purchase a beach safe

If you’re going to the beach with umbrellas, a beach safe is a hard, plastic case that can be attached and secured so a thieve would have to steal the whole umbrella to get away.

How do you protect valuables at the beach?

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holidays, travel, beach, valuables, protect