Georgia Dixon
Travel Tips

5 reasons to start wrapping your luggage in plastic

Wrapping your luggage tightly in plastic film as though it was an oversized sandwich might seem a little odd, but there’s actually some method to this madness. Here are five reasons you might want to give it a try next time you’re headed to the airport.

1. Extra protection against theft

While it’s generally recommended you avoid placing any objects of real value in your carry-on anyway, wrapping your checked luggage can be an extra layer of protection from sticky fingers. While it’s certainly not guarantee your items are going to remain safe, it’s an extra deterrent that might halt the less industrious thieves.

2. Alerts you to any tampering

When your luggage has been tampered with, if you want to stand a chance of recouping your lost items time is of the essence. A layer of plastic film provides a pretty obvious notification that something might be awry with your luggage.

3. Helps keep your bags together

If you’ve gone a little overboard with the souvenirs and your luggage is busting at the seams, wrapping it in plastic provides that extra layer of protection that will make you confident your new souvenir snow globes will make it to your destination.   

4. An extra deterrent against stowaways

While cases are few and far between, there are instances where passengers have become drug mules without even knowing it, and having your luggage protected with a thin plastic film provides an extra deterrent from this sort of thing happening.

5. Extra layer of protection against damage

Hey, we’re not saying bag handlers are careless, but when you’re processing thousands of bags everyday you’re not going to treat everyone like the Crown Jewels. A thin layer of plastic helps provide that extra layer of protection from damage.

Where do you sit on the luggage wrapping fence? Do you think it’s worthwhile? Or is it just a waste of time, money and materials? Share your thoughts in the comments. 

Video credit: YouTube / raju paudel

Related links:

A solution to lost luggage for good

8 common mistakes when packing checked-in luggage

How to ensure your bag is never misplaced

travel, luggage, baggage, suitcase, wrapping