Danielle McCarthy
International Travel

This snake is so big it needs five handlers

If chores or work have got you in a bad mood today, spare a though for the keepers at Australian Reptile Park tasked with moving this enormous python.

As you can see in the video above, five keepers were required to manoeuvre the aptly named monster, for its annual an inaugural weigh-in this April.

And apparently Monster wasn’t interested in being cooperative.

Reptile Park keeper Tim Faulkner said Monster made quite life difficult for those wrangling her so they could take important weight measurements.

“Monster was in an awkward position which made it difficult for keepers to get her out,” he said.

“Luckily the keepers are extremely experienced.”

“Monster can be a difficult girl. The reticulated python is known as an aggressive species, so our keepers need to take extreme care."

Monster hit the scales at 53kg, and was 5.28 metres long!

Have you ever been to Australian Reptile Park?

Video credit: Australian Reptile Park via Storyful


australia, travel, snake, domestic, big, Python, five, needs, handlers