Charlotte Foster
International Travel

Readers respond: If you could travel anywhere for free, where would it be and why?

We asked our readers where they would jet off to if money wasn't an obstacle, and our well-travelled readers suggested some of the most beautiful spots in the world. 

From each corner of the globe, to at home in Australia, here is where our readers would travel to if it was free. 

Valerie Boorer - The Antarctic because I’ve never been and I’d love to go.

Violet Surley - The Philippines absolutely loved it when we went there in 2016. Maybe one day will go again. Lovely people. 

Heidi Gomez - Tasmania. I’ve always wanted to visit.

Lynn Newton - The pyramids in Egypt.

Rhonda Jones - India, the country has a Magic all of its own, just love the country.

Debby Gers - Australia... to see my children and grand children who I haven't seen in almost 3 years.

Anita Thornton - London, such an amazing city, full of interesting things!

Lorraine Castner - I’ve always said I would love to go back to Norway.

Pam Callander - Back to England and Paris. Didn’t finish our holiday as I broke my ankle 3 weeks into a 6 week holiday.

Khadeja Zakar - Ireland. Love to see where my forefathers lived.

Adrienne Chau - Back to the Greek Islands. Had our first cruise there and we loved it.

Margaret Ferguson - Scotland because my family is there.

Sandra Whistance - I would go to England to see my late husband's family.

Paula E Kilby - Malolo island in Fiji. It’s small, quiet and very beautiful…. Been once and loved it!

Linda Smith - Italy. I've been there three times and love the people, the scenery, the food, and the history.

Julie Margaret White - Japan during cherry blossom season. 

Pat Finnerty - Turkey. Want to do a hot air balloon ride over Capidocia.

Sofia Willsie - Petra. Would love to see the history alive. 

Christyna Dobbins - Austria - I was born there, and I'd love to see it with adult eyes instead of remembering snippets through a child's eyes.

Image credits: Getty Images

travel international, readers respond, free, global, tourism