Georgia Dixon
International Travel

Passengers spend 7 hours on flight to nowhere

A British Airways flight from Berlin to London got within an hour from Heathrow, and then turned around and went back to Germany.

According to The Sun, heavy snow forced flight BA983 to turn back with 180 passengers on board. After leaving five hours late, the plane was not able to land safely due to the snow that is currently battering the country.

A British Airways spokesman, quoted in the Telegraph, said, “We do our best to keep customers updated and look after them, providing refreshments and hotel accommodation.”

This is in contrast to another delayed British Airways flight from Berlin to Heathrow, which got diverted to Bournemouth due to the snow.

The 100 passengers were then left on board without access to hot drinks or food for three hours while the airline decided how to proceed.

The stranded passengers were given tap water only, and told that the crew were not able to access the refreshment trolleys.

After three hours on the tarmac they were transported by coach to Heathrow where they were delivered nine long hours after their scheduled arrival time.

The snow storm has caused major transport delays, as well as the closure of many schools.

Have you ever had a plane turnaround? We would love to hear your story in the comments.

Image credit: Peter Wiles/Twitter.

travel, flying, London, British Airways, berlin, u-turn