International Travel

How a woman's love of cats helped her travel the world

A Brisbane woman's love of cats has helped her travel the world almost for free.

Madolline Gourley first applied to house and cat sit for strangers on the other side of the world in 2017 and has not looked back since.

After falling in love with her first stay in San Francisco, she's managed to travel to 20 other places across the United States and Australia - all without having to pay for accommodation by taking care of people's cats in exchange.

Despite still having to fork out money for flights, she said that house and cat sitting saved her a lot of money.

“With the free accommodation, you might also get other stuff for free,” Ms Gourley told NCA NewsWire.

“Some places I’ve stayed, they told me I could help myself to their food, others have given me gift cards for groceries, people have offered to let me use their car.

“Sometimes people will drive you to and from the airport so it’s another saving.”

Ms Gourley said she planned her holidays and house sits between her contractual work in government communications.

“When I first started cat sitting, earlier that same year I paid to go to America with a friend and there were parts of San Francisco I didn’t get to see, so when I saw there was a house sit in San Francisco I thought I’d go back.

cats, travel, pets, animals