Danielle McCarthy
International Travel

10 gorgeous European villages you haven’t heard about

You might feel like you’ve already seen Europe, but if you’ve only been to Paris, London, Rome and Berlin, the truth is you’ve barely scratched the surface. Europe is bursting at the seams with hidden gem, and it’s these cute little villages off the beaten tourist track, that provide an experience that’s just as rewarding as the major centres.

But where should you go first? Well, while we could literally spend months listing where you should go and why you should, we’ve decided to narrow our list down to 10.

To see 10 cute European villages you haven’t heard about, scroll through the gallery above. If you’re planning a trip to the continent soon, these are the villages that are well worth adding an extra day or two to your itinerary for.

Have you been to any of these villages?

about, travel, International, gorgeous, villages, European, haven't, heard