International Travel

Duchess Meghan “disapproves” of the Queen’s Balmoral tradition

Duchess Meghan is set to make her first visit to the Queen’s Scottish estate, Balmoral Castle next week – and royal experts are making predictions as to how the Duchess will deal with the royal family’s traditions in the esteemed residence.

While the Duchess of Sussex has adapted well to the royal lifestyle since her wedding to Prince Harry last May, she reportedly “disapproves” of some activities.

At Balmoral, the royal family typically participates in outdoor activities such as hunting and fly-fishing. However, it is unclear whether the Duchess, who is a well-known vegan and animal rights activist, will embrace the traditional experience.

According to royal writer Robert Jobson, it is likely that the Duchess will try to avoid joining the Queen on any hunts. “It is hunting which is perhaps the biggest passion,” he wrote in the Daily Mail UK.

“Meghan, however, who rather disproves of such blood sports, may choose to feign a headache.”

Last month, it was announced that grouse hunting is cancelled at the Scottish palace this year due to the dwindling number of birds.

“Since grouses depend on the greenery from the moors to survive, an infestation has the potential to wipe out the population,” a Balmoral Estate source told the Daily Mail.

A source told Express that the cancellation will likely put a damper on the visit. “There’s not much else to do at Balmoral and that’s why so many guests come. It’s a great shame.”

Reports after Christmas 2017 claimed that Prince Harry had boycotted the Boxing Day hunting tradition due to his wife’s animal activism, but last year the Duchess reportedly attended the hunt.

Royals, Duchess of Sussex, Duchess Meghan, Queen Elizabeth II