Ben Squires
International Travel

Dishes that look completely different overseas

There’s something to be said for trying new tastes and flavours when you’re travelling, but sometimes when you’re overseas all you want is that taste of home.

The problem is, even though the item you’re ordering has the same name as your favourite dish, there’s no guarantee that it’s what you’re actually getting.

menu is called the same thing as you enjoy in Australia, doesn’t mean it’s the same dish.

We’ve scoured the world to find seven dishes that look completely different when you order them overseas. Those who head to order one of these dishes are in for a rude shock, or depending on how adventurous your palette is, a welcome surprise.

To see the dishes, scroll through the gallery above.

What are your thoughts? Have you found these dishes different, when you ordered them overseas? What’s the best meal you’ve eaten while travelling. 

travel, food, International travel, restaurants