Alex O'Brien
International Travel

5 Aussie holiday spots with bad reception

It’s fair to say that as a society we’ve become addicted to our devices. So when we’re on holidays we probably welcome the chance to switch off for a moment.

Here are five Aussie holiday spots where you can take a break (enforced) from your devices and enjoy some the most beautiful sights of the Sunburnt Country.

1. Kimberley, WA

Incredible scenery, abundant wildlife and indigenous culture combine to make the Kimberly one of the most fascinating regions of Australia to explore. But, as with any place this far out of the bush, it’s not the easiest place to find some reception. That being said, there’s so much to see and explore you’ll definitely not suffer from technology withdrawals.

2. Wilpena Pound, SA

Five hours north of Adelaide, there are times where Wilpena Pound can certainly feel like a world in and of itself, and you won’t be relying on Google Maps to get there. The wilderness provides a serenity you simply won’t get looking at your smartphone.

3. Ningaloo Reef, WA

If snorkelling, fishing, swimming with a whale shark or simply lounging on the beach without getting distracted by your phone sounds like your dream holiday then Ningaloo Reef is the place to go. Many part this region have poor reception, but with so much to see and do, and the opportunity to relax and unwind in paradise you won’t care.

4. Southwest National Park, TAS

Tasmania is rugged, untouched beauty that few parts of the world can match and Southwest National Park is one of the best examples of this. You won’t be able to update your Instagram, but you will enjoy one of the most beautiful corners of the world.

5. Kakadu National Park, NT

Few places in the world have as much cultural history and significance as Kakadu National Park and even though you’re only about 90 minutes from Darwin at times you will feel as though you’ve walked into a different part of the world. Mobile phone reception is limited, but that gives you all the more time to explore and appreciate impressive sandstone formations, abundant wildlife, plentiful forests and billabongs.

To see images of these incredible destinations scroll through the gallery above. Have you visited any, and how was your experience?

Share your story in the comments.

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Technology, australia, travel, mobile phone, Reception