Ben Squires
International Travel

10 expert tips for falling asleep on a plane

One of the necessities of experiencing certain parts of the world is sitting through a gruelling long haul flight. And if you can’t get enough sleep on the plane you can potentially lose days of your long-awaited holiday due to sheer exhaustion.

The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way! Dr Delwyn Bartlett, associate professor of sleep medicine from Sydney University and the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, has outlined 10 expert tips for sleeping on a plane in an interview with The Huffington Post. Follow these tips and you’ll never be short of shuteye on a holiday.  

1. If flying east, wake up earlier in the week leading up to your flight to get your body accustomed.

2. Try to go for a walk perform an easy exercise in the six hours before you get to the plane.

3. Avoid caffeine when you’re on the flight, particularly if you’re flying of an afternoon.

4. Get up and walk around at regular intervals at the start of the journey.

5. Drink plenty of water to maintain hydration.

6. Don’t attempt to fall asleep, until 8pm or 9pm at the timezone you’ve left.

7. Avoid cheese right before you sleep, as it can wake you up later.

8. If you have to eat anything, consider a small amount of carbohydrates.

9. Avoid alcohol, particularly if you’re sensitive to it, as it can fragment your sleep.

10. Consider taking three milligrams of Melatonin between 4pm and 7pm at the time zone you’re leaving. This only works if you’re flying east, however.

Do you generally have a bit of trouble falling asleep on flights? What methods do you use to get a bit of shut eye while you’re in the air?

Share your thoughts in the comments. 

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travel, sleep, International travel, flight, Jetlag