Domestic Travel

Tips for caravanning with pets

Don’t leave your family pet at home when you set off on a caravanning trip. With these tips you’ll know the best way to hit the road with Rover.

Check your caravan park’s pet policy – Many holiday parks allow pets on location. Call ahead and make sure your prospective park does and find out if any conditions apply. Be sure to follow their rules and regulations whilst away to avoid complications.

Prepare your pet – Before you hit the road, make sure your pet is fully vaccinated and that their collar/tattoo displays your contact details in case you should lose them while away. Better safe than sorry!

Pack right – Make sure you have proper transportation supplies, including a kennel if necessary. Bring their vaccination papers, grooming equipment, food, can openers, collar, scooper, plastic bags, lead, and anything else your pet will require during their time away.

Keep an eye on your pet – While travelling, make sure your pet is content. Don’t let them overheat in your caravan and be sure to make stops along the way to allow them exercise and bathroom breaks. If you’re bringing a cat or bird, which are more temperamental in regard to travel, bring a blanket to cover their carriers with, which can help calm them.

tips, pets, caravanning, outdoors, travel