Ben Squires
Domestic Travel

The dirtiest part of your plane seat exposed

When you consider the fact that they cart hundreds of passengers around the world every day, it’s no surprise that the cabins of planes are breeding grounds for germs.

Seats in particular are hotbeds for microscopic nasties, which makes sense when you consider it’s the part of the cabin every passenger is guaranteed to touch.

What might be a little more surprising however, is the dirtiest part of your seat.     

A new study from TravelMath found that tray tables, where you eat your food or rest your hands, is by far the dirtiest part of each individual plane seat.

While planes are generally given a once-over between flights, this normally isn’t nearly enough to get rid of the bacteria that has built up over numerous flights.

Our suggestion? Pack some hand sanitiser!

travel, domestic travel, Plane Seat, Tray Table