Danielle McCarthy

Words you need to know before going on a cruise

If you are about to go on your first cruise, there will be some words that you may have not come across before.

To make your holiday as seamless as possible, read up on these definitions.  

1. Aft and forward: The forward is the front of the ship and the aft is the back of the ship. These are important to remember as you will receive directions with these words.

2. Bow and stern: The bow is the front of the ship and the stern is the rear.

3. Bridge: The bridge is the location of the ship where the Captain and senior officers navigate the ship (the control centre).

4. Galley: The galley is a cruise ship’s kitchen. Luxurious and modern cruise ships have multiple restaurants and galleys.

5. Gangway: This is the ramp that allows you to get on and off the cruise ship.

6. Lido deck: This is an Italian word for a public outdoor swimming pool complex. On a cruise, this term refers to the top deck where there is usually a pool, hot tub and open-air bar.

7. M.S: This abbreviation is popular but not everyone knows what it stands for. M.S stands for motor ship.

8. Muster station: This location is important as it is the place where everyone would gather in the event of an emergency and it is where lifeboats would be lowered. On your first day of the cruise you will visit the muster station to become familiar with the location.

8. OBC: These letters can mean different things in various industries but on a cruise ship, it stands for onboard credit.

9. Per diem: This Latin phrase means per day.

10. Port/Starboard: These are the nautical terms for the left and right sides of the ship when you are facing the bow. The left side is the port and the right side is the starboard.

11. Purser: A purser is the ship’s officer in charge of accounts, money, transactions and tickets. If you have any questions regarding your bill, go to the purser’s desk.

What are other important cruise words? Let us know in the comments below. 

Image: Getty Images

travel, cruise, Jargon, words, to, know, definitions