Carla La Tella
Real Estate

Why this massive mansion is selling for peanuts

A dilapidated 11-bedroom mansion in Upstate New York has been likened to the 'Amityville Horror House' and sitting on the market for years. The home recently had a price cut to $US 495,000 ($660,000) for those brave enough to live in it.

Abandoned for 70 years, the home is eerily secluded on almost seven acres of land on Carleton Island, close to the Canadian border, with water views from three sides.

Despite the attractive, cheaper price tag, the property will likely need a million dollars' worth of work to transform it to its glory days. While there is a stone foundation, the wood frame upper floors have "deterioration" and there are no bathrooms.

But even if a buyer with deep pockets is out there, there's the creep-factor to contend with, something Reddit is quick to point out with users branding the home a "demon mansion", "haunted" and "super creepy".

The mansion was built by architect William Miller in 1894 as a summer vacation home for businessman William O. Wyckoff.

Wyckoff had made his millions helping the Remington Arms Company develop their version of the newly invented typewriter, according to House & History.

Unfortunately, it was never the dream home Wyckoff hoped it would be and in 1895, after spending just one night in the home, he tragically suffered a heart attack and died at the property. This was just a few months after Wyckoff's wife also reportedly died of a heart attack.

The home was then passed down to their son, who used the estate until about 1927.

The Great Depression hit soon after and the family lost much of their fortune. They sold the villa to General Electric, who took ownership in the 1930s with hopes to use the property as a company retreat but those plans were also abandoned thanks to the first World War.

According to the listing, contractors were then allowed to go in and remove materials such as doors and windows, essentially looting the property. The marble cladding from the tower base was also taken.

The home was left to the elements, which leads us to its state today.

Image: Domain

real estate, property, USA, creepy, haunted