Claudia Byatt
Home Hints & Tips

How to clean your glasses the right way

Is there anything worse than dirty glasses? We already can’t see properly without them! Many people believe glass cleaner is the best way to clean your eyeglasses, but we’re here to tell you it’s not.

Clean your eyeglasses with soap:

Cleaning glasses with soap is scratch-free, cheap and easy. You need to wash them gently, but it’s a method that will not harm your eyewear.

  1. Rinse your glasses in warm water
  2. Add a drop of gentle dish soap to the lenses
  3. Smear the soap on both sides, including the earpieces
  4. Rinse off the soap
  5. Dry them with a lint-free or microfibre cloth

Things to avoid:

  1. Paper towels
  2. Tissues
  3. Shirttails
  4. Acetone
  5. Windex

Although Windex and other glass cleaners may seem like the best way, the chemicals in these formulas have the potential to remove coatings you’ve paid to put on your lenses. The safest, best way to give your glasses that brand-spanking-new shine is to use basic dish soap!

Image credit: Shutterstock

Glasses, Cleaning hacks, Tips and tricks