Ben Squires
Home Hints & Tips

5 natural ways to eliminate fruit flies

Houseguests don’t come much more unwanted than fruit flies. But how do you show them the door, without having to empty half a can of Mortein in the process.

Australian Women’s Weekly has outlined several all-natural solutions:

1. Detergent trap

Simply add a drop of detergent to a quarter of a glass of wine and leave it overnight next to your fruit bowl. The fruit flies will drop in for a little tipple, and die in the process.

2. Apple cider vinegar

One to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a small bowl near your kitchen bench will attract any pesky fruit flies, and trap them in the process.

3. Fruit trap

Make a DIY fruit trap with a few pieces of fruit combined with two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar in a small bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, piercing a few holes with a fork. The flies will be attracted to the fruit, sneak in the holes and be trapped.

4. Essential oil spray

A homemade solution with a few drops of tea-tree or eucalyptus oil combined with oil will prevent future fruit flies from coming (and smells a whole lot better than Mortein).

5. Sink drain

Pour a bucket of boiling water mixed with detergent down your sink. This will kill any fruit fly eggs, and eliminate any fruit flies living in that area.

Do you have any all-natural ways to get rid of fruit flies?

Images: Getty

natural, lifestyle, fruit flies, Home & Garden