Georgia Dixon

Strange body part to apply perfume to make it last longer

It seems every day we’re being told something new that we’ve been doing wrong all these years, and this one has to be the strangest yet. Steven Claisse, senior perfumer at fragrance company Takasago, has revealed that to make your perfume last longer, you should apply a few drops to your belly button. Yes, you read that right!

While most people opt for a spritz on the wrists and each side of the neck, Claisse claims the navel is the best place to apply fragrance. “Any area on your body that radiates heat will enhance a scent, and your belly button does just that,” he told SELF.

In addition, Claisse says applying perfume to your hair, the top of your ears, inside the elbows, behind your knees, down your calves or on your ankles will make the fragrance last longer and help you leave a “trail of scent” wherever you go.

Tell us in the comments below, would you ever consider applying perfume to your belly button? Have you tried it before?

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beauty, scent, perfume, Fragrance, belly button