Melody Teh

This grandma is driving young women home safely

A grandmother's door-to-door “chauffeur” service to keep young women safe is going viral.

In the past seven months, Kathy Raydings, from Brisbane, Australia, has driven more than 5,000 young women across the area home safely.

Driven by her maternal instinct to get “as many home safe as possible”, Ms Raydings decided something needed to be done to help young people get home at night. She started a service that has now been called “Grandma Uber”, named after the ride-sharing service Uber.

“There are horrendous stories, I've heard it so many times from my riders,” she told 7 News.

“They should be able to go out, have their great night out and not have the stress about coming home and who's going to pick them up.”

Amy O’Farrell, a passenger of Ms Raydings, decided to spread the word about “Grandma Uber” on social media, which quickly went viral.

“It's fun and it's nurturing and she helps you with your life," she said.

Grandma Uber will not only help get dozens of young people home safely, she also supplies drinks and baked brownies to her passengers so nobody goes home hungry.

What an incredible woman! Would you like to be an Uber granny? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Find more information about Grandma Uber on her Instagram

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home, safety, News, grandma, uber, Young people