Danielle McCarthy

10 things in your home you should probably get rid of

There’s no time like the present to give the house a quick de-clutter. Here are 10 items that everyone could probably get rid of. Recycle, donate, sell or trash for a clutter-free home! Go on do it, it will be a therapeutic experience. After all you have to admit, how many of these items are collecting dust in your home?

1. Any appliance that doesn’t work anymore such as old computers, telephones, answering machines, hairdryers, toasters or vacuum cleaners.

2. Expired, old and crusty sunscreen, medicine and beauty products.

3. The stack of old magazine, newspapers and books you’ve never read and probably won’t read.

4. The assorted cables, wires and old phone chargers that you’re not sure connect to anything but still keep “just in case."

5. Any mugs, glasses, bowls, plates and other crockery that have resided in the back of your cupboard and are never used.

6. Containers without lids.

7. VHS tapes, DVDs and CDs that you were given as a present years ago and will never watch or listen.

8. Hotel toiletries that you’re not going to use within the next year.

9. Rusty utensils.

10. Markers, pens and other stationery that don’t work anymore.


home, News, De-clutter