Tiana Gullotta

The strange way the Queen eats bananas

It’s completely fascinating to see the ways in which royals live.

Former head chef of Buckingham Palace from 1982-1993, Chef Darren McGrady, revealed on Today Food the Queens’ peculiar ways of eating bananas.

With something we wouldn’t think twice about, like picking up and peeling a banana in order to eat it, the Queen and other royals can’t touch the food with their hands and have to go through a tedious routine in order to eat their fruit.

McGrady revealed that the Queen enjoys eating her banana with a knife and fork, however this sounds slightly difficult to comprehend.

Is it already peeled? Does it roll on the plate?

Don’t worry – McGrady has also provided us with the answers and it all comes down to the way the food, or fruit, is prepared in the palace kitchen.

He explained that the ends of the banana are cut off and the peel is sliced down the centre to make it easy to push apart with a fork and knife before being sliced in circles for easy eating. This is definitely fancier than how regular people eat bananas.

But that’s not all. Not only are bananas eaten in a surprising way but the same goes for pears.  

“The purveyor would bring about 200 for us to choose the ripest by hand,” McGrady explained. Then they would be eaten by “slicing off the top and eating it with a teaspoon like a boiled egg!”

McGrady also revealed the routine of a formal dinner event.

“I am often asked what the royal family have for dessert, and people are surprised when I say fresh fruit … That’s because what Americans call dessert, the royal family call pudding,” he said.

Dessert is served after ‘pudding’ which usually consists of four kinds of fresh fruit.

The Queen’s diet aside from formal royal events is said to be clean, simple and healthy. McGrady shared with Recipes Plus that the Queen doesn’t eat starchy foods such as pasta or potatoes – although this rule is wavered during banquets and special occasions.

The royals don’t eat garlic and steer clear of shellfish, although a lot of the Queen’s meals consist of fish and vegetables, according to the chef. She is also said to enjoy chocolate sponge cake occasionally after a meal.

Would you ever eat a banana like the Queen? Let us know in the comments.

Queen, Queen Elizabeth II, royals, food, diet, Healthy Living, Bananas