Ben Squires

The royal family's dining habits revealed

A former chef at Buckingham Palace has revealed the royal family’s odd dining habits, spilling the beans on everyone from the Queen to Prince William.

Darren McGrady, who dished out meals for the royals daily for 11 years, made some interesting observations about Her Majesty’s palette in an interview with Marie Claire.

And it turns out the Queen’s eating habits are not as regal as you might think.

“Breakfast was very simple for Her Majesty,” says McGrady.

“Some Kellogg's cereal from a plastic container, which she'd serve herself. And some Darjeeling tea.”

McGrady also recalled how Prince Harry and Prince William loved fast food.

He said: “I remember the Princess came into the kitchen one day and said, ‘Cancel lunch for the boys I'm taking them out, we're going to McDonald's’.”

Her Majesty swapped the finest crockery in favour of a “plastic yellow Tupperware container” and could not stand any meal that involved garlic because she simply, “hated the smell of it”. Dark chocolate was also her “favourite”.

McGrady also revealed that the Queen played an active role in planning the catering for royal events: “She’d oversee the full menu, choose what she wanted – do we have enough pheasant, grouse, partridge?

“She loved food from the estate and to see her own produce on the menu.

“She loved the hosting side of the event. Garden parties were huge we’d have to do so much food, scones and pastries, ice cream made fresh.”

What’s your view of these dining habits?

Image credit: Twitter / The Daily Mirror 

eating, News, Prince William, queen, Buckingham Palace, Chef