Ben Squires

How to avoid the latest Facebook hoax

Facebook users have been warned to be on the lookout for the latest viral hoax to hijack the social media site, which is actually a variation on one from a few years ago.

The hoax involves users copying and pasting information from a post that looks like a privacy declaration, then reposting the text on their own account.

The post looks like the following:

While it seems grim, as CBS News reports it’s actually a hoax.

Facebook itself states in its Terms and Conditions for users that, “You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook”. So while you might feel as though you’re making a privacy declaration, you’re actually not doing anything.

That being said, if you are concerned about your privacy online you can easily perform a “Privacy Checkup” by clicking on the padlock in the top right hand corner of your Facebook page, and determine who can and can’t see your posts.

Are you concerned about your safety online? Have you ever fallen foul of an online scam? Let us know in the comments section below, we’d love to hear from you.

Image credit: Pinterest / Good Housekeeping 

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scam, facebook, News, hoax