
How the Queen is protecting herself in style from coronavirus

The Queen is taking stylish measures to protect herself from coronavirus after she was seen wearing white gloves during an investiture ceremony for the first time in decades.

The appearance of the gloves was just hours after UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson set out the country’s new action plan to fend off the outbreak of the virus.

While the Queen usually wears gloves while out on public engagements, her decision to break the habit of greeting guests and collecting honours is a stylish choice to protect herself from germs.

The Queen can be seen presenting Harry Billinge with an MBE as the D-Day veteran raised £1 for every British soldier who died at Normandy to help fund a memorial.

She hasn’t been seen wearing gloves during an investiture ceremony for years, as the last time she was seen wearing white gloves was back in 1954 at a ceremony in Yemen.

When asked earlier whether Buckingham Palace is doing anything to protect members of the Royal Family from coronavirus, a spokeswoman told Express.co.uk: "We are following the Government's advice."

As many as 51 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the past few weeks in Britain, but health officials have warned it can be expected that the number of cases will grow in the next few weeks.

Boris Johnson spoke about the plan of action for the UK from Downing Street.

“The plan does not set out what the government will do; it sets out the things we could do at the right time and on the basis of scientific advice.

“I do think this is a national challenge. The potential is there for this to be something that our country has to get through but I’ve got absolutely no doubt we’ve got the resources, health service, we’ve got the expertise to do it.

“I’m very confident the British public understands and the British public can see exactly what the balance of risk is.

"They are getting very clear advice, a very clear picture of how we all need to behave.”

queen, virus, coronavirus, gloves, issues