Georgia Dixon

CCTV catches “ghost" haunting Irish school

An old high school in Cork, Ireland, is no stranger to spooky happenings, but the latest incident – which was captured on CCTV – has to be the scariest. Deerpark CBS has shared a video of its halls, recorded at 3 am on a Sunday, showing some seriously creepy goings-on.

In the video, a door can be seen swinging in the corridor, a set of lockers starts shaking violently then ejects its contents, and a wet floor sign appears to be kicked over by an invisible force.

As easy as it is to dismiss the events as an elaborate prank, apparently this isn’t an isolated incident. The school, founded in 1828, has a long history of paranormal activity.

Deerpark Principal Aaron Wolfe told Unilad that the caretaker once reported hearing “the last call” played on the trumpet in the middle of the night when the school was empty. A pupil once heard crying in the bathroom – despite being alone.

But that’s not all. “The female members of staff do complain that this particular part is extremely cold,” he said. “It’s also outside the Religion Room – which is weird.”

The plot thickens! Tell us in the comments below, do you believe the school is haunted? Or is this just the product of cheeky students and some very suggestible staff members?

cork, ireland, video, haunted, ghost, CCTV