Michelle Reed

The dangerous mistake we all make with our perfume

With over two hundred chemical components in an artificial fragrance it’s no surprise that many people are sensitive to scents. What’s more, it can be tough for people to know what exactly they are allergic to.

Why many might think this to be a minor problem, dermatologic surgeon Dr Joel Schkessinger explains that being around perfume or cologne can actually be dangerous for those who are allergic and says we should avoid wearing it when in a small enclosed space with others. "Common symptoms range from headaches, watery eyes, and sneezing to dizziness, asthma attacks, and difficulty breathing”.

And these aren't just reactions allergic people have while wearing fragrances – merely being in the presence of certain scents can lead to severe discomfort.

What can you do? To avoid putting too much perfume on, spritz your favourite scent in the air in front of you and walk through it. Avoid adding more throughout the day, and definitely don't spray it around folks without asking first.

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women, beauty, style, perfume, allergies