Ben Squires

15 facts you won’t believe are true

Sometimes we become so jaded that we forget the world is an amazing place.

In this list we’ve put together 15 facts you won’t believe are true.

To see the full list of amazing facts, scroll down.

1. Honey will never go off, no matter how long you store it.

2. The Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish is considered biologically immortal.

3. The heart of a blue whale is so big a human could potentially swim through its arteries (of course why you’d want to do so is another matter altogether).

4. Yet the throat of a blue whale is so small (comparatively speaking at least) it is physically incapable of swallowing anything bigger than a beach ball. 

5. For every person on Earth there are around 1.6 million ants.

6. An octopus has three hearts.

7. Feng shui was originally the art of choosing the best place for a grave.

8. There are ten times more bacteria than cells in the human body.

9. Believe it or not, this is what sand looks like under a microscope:

10. Oxford University actually predates the Aztec Empire.

11. No one has successfully tamed an African elephant.

12. Catfish have 27,000 taste buds (four times as many as humans). 

13. Santa Claus is called Basil in Cyprus.

14. Scientists have suggested rain is made from diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter.

15. The image on the left is a candle burning on Earth, and the image on the right is a candle burning in a zero gravity environment. What a difference! 

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Image credit: Shutterstock

Facts, News, Amazing Facts, Planet Earth