Charlotte Foster
Retirement Life

Readers respond: What was your "I'm getting old" moment?

We asked our readers when they knew they were getting old, and the responses were overwhelming. 

From harsh reality checks and physical changes, to independence and seniors discounts, here is when you knew ageing was catching up with you. 

Christine Grzonek - When I was lying in bed looking at my arms and I can see the skin on my arms changing hence wrinkles! Weird moment knowing it was coming.

Sheila Vincent - I’ve always been independent about getting my outside chores done.. but after getting the ladder ready to clean out the gutters, I had to realise, my knees were NOT going to hold up and allow me to climb that ladder… and I had to call my son to get the job done.

Linda Charlton - When I hit 60 and my doctor said, "Congratulations, if you lived in Bali you’d probably be dead now."

Judith Coneliano - When I started to groan every time I stood up like my mum.

Sarah Hilton - When my granddaughter asked me "What's it like to get old Nan?"

My answer was "It's a privilege, if I hadn't got old, I would have had to die younger, and would never have had this special time with you."

Roxanne Page - When my doctors were all younger than me!

Aileen Barrat Zanelli - My little Granddaughter asked me, "Nanna, did you used to write with a feather?" Cracked me up and I have never forgotten it.

Maryann Cullen - When swimming in the surf with our boogie boards and a young man came up to us. He shook my husbands hand and said gee it’s great to see old people out having fun. 

We couldn’t be offended as he was so lovely, we had to laugh though because we were only in our early sixties then.

Maureen Mcguinness - When some teenage boys behind us out walking said, "Be careful of these oldies in front of us."

Sarah Robinson - When I realised I have superpowers - I now have the ability to sneeze, pee and fart all at once.

Lys Tildesley - At a Coldplay concert (standing) with my daughter a few years back - the lovely Chris Martin made the audience squat down and we were to leap up at the chorus crescendo - I had to be helped up by the kind young guy standing behind me.

Julia Metcalfe - When my hands started looking like my grandmother’s.

Kathy Cannon - When I ask cashiers, "Would you like to see my Seniors card?" and they say, "No it’s fine."

Rick Pybus - When the Barber asked if I want my eyebrows trimmed.

Lori Lee - When I get senior discounts without asking for one.

Linda Champion - My grandson said, “Grandma you’re old, you were born in the 1900s.”

Estelle Rieck - When my youngest granddaughter looked at me and gently held my face and with a lot of concern and in her sweet little voice said “Oh grandma your face is cracking.“

Pat Doherty - "When my granddaughter asked me if I could iron my neck to get the wrinkles out!"

Georgina Johnson - When I had a fall and got taken to hospital instead of jumping straight up.

Noelene John Humphries - When I went to my Dr for the flu shot, he said, “How old are you?“ After I told him he said, “Oh, you can have the one for old people.” I liked him once, not so sure now.

Jeanne Cook - When someone offered their seat on a train. I turned around to move aside for whoever the woman was standing for and realised it was me.

Sue Nichols - When doing something online and I have to keep scrolling for the year of my birth.

Susan Germon - The mirror, so I confiscated them all now because I am as young as I feel.

Image credits: Getty Images

retirement life, getting old, readers respond, ageing