Danielle McCarthy
Retirement Life

Planning to retire next year? These are the steps to take now.

Megan Giles is a retirement designer for women. She supports and coaches women approaching retirement to successfully transition and create a lifestyle that is fulfilling, meaningful to them and lights them up each day.

Retirement is a significant life change and one that some people breeze through whilst other struggle. On paper it should be relatively simple – we all go from working one day to not working the next. So why can the journey look and feel so different between different people?

The reality is that there is so much more to retirement planning than simply picking a date and ensuring that you have sufficient money in the bank. Retirement planning needs to be holistic and by that I mean preparing psychologically and emotionally also. Why? Because the research demonstrates that they people who take control and proactively plan for life in retirement tend to feel more fulfilled, engaged and content. Who wouldn’t want that?

Don’t let retirement take you by surprise, take action now! If you are one to two years away from retiring, here’s a look at what you should be doing regarding the non-financial aspects of retirement to prepare for a successful transition.

1. Review your financial plan

2. Talk with your significant other

3. Consider a ‘practice run’

4. Have a hobby outside of work

5. Get your home retirement-ready

6. Health check

As the saying goes ‘do something today that your future self will thank you for’ and set yourself up for a retirement that truly is fulfilling and lights you up each day.

retirement, preparation, steps