Melody Teh
Retirement Life

Struggling with a sense of purpose in retirement

Celena Ross’s plans to ramp up her celebrant businesses were compromised when she found herself part of the sandwich generation of caring for an elderly mother and grandchildren. Struggling with the unexpected hours of caring and faced with a loss of identity in her transition to semi-retirement, Celena established her website Retiree Matters to assist other corporate women.

It is now five years since I left my fabulous government job assisting businesses with their growth and development. I took early retirement as a package and I saw my retirement as time with my daughter as she started her family as well as an opportunity to operate a micro business.

In those five years I have become a nana to two beautiful granddaughters and spent many hours caring for them. Many more hours than I anticipated due to baby sleep issues and suddenly finding myself in a carer role of my elderly mother. My eldest granddaughter started school this year, so I only really see her at school pick up – three times a week. But no longer for regular full days. The youngest who is three, we care for each Thursday.

So early in the year and with a reduced need for caring, I have found myself struggling. I am missing a sense of purpose. A sense of feeling belonging. A sense of feeling fulfilled and making a difference.

I have started the year determined to improve my health after three weeks of physio on my back. I attend a community centre and attend stretching and Pilate classes. I plan to book time with a personal trainer to help me keep on track. I have booked sessions with a psychologist/hypnotherapist to assist me with overcoming some childhood issues.

On the wellbeing side, I have joined a women’s group choir. The group sits or stands in a circle and harmonises. I found out it is a form of cappella singing. I loved it. It made me feel grounded, relaxed and uplifted at the same time.

After much research, I joined a local VIEW Club – which is a group for women that raises money for The Smith Family, who in turn provide financial support to disadvantaged children. Not long after joining I volunteered for the committee and as assistant secretary I am the guest speaker organiser.

Sigh… I just feel brain dead. I feel a lack of stimulation. A lack of purpose. I am still busy assisting and providing care for my elderly mum. The hours of care depend on her health. I have just come out of two months of intensive care hours after she had had a fall.

As a celebrant, I have conducted a few weddings. But I am over being involved in all the stress of brides and weddings. Well at least the very big weddings. I still enjoy the small weddings of two to 20 guests. Especially when held on a property or backyard of a home. Just so much more relaxed and intimate. However, I am seriously considering retiring and handing in my celebrant registration.

So, now what to do. I looked at University of the Third Age, but nothing I am interested in is available on my pockets of available time. That is of course part of my dilemma. I have pockets of availability in between when I help mum, take her out, take her shopping etc, the day I mind my granddaughter, being at the school by 2.30pm to get a car park close enough for pickup of the eldest granddaughter – then minding them both until 5pm. I also set aside time for the hubby – he is at golf three times a week.

Soooooooooo! What can I do to stimulate my mind? What can I do that will give me a sense of purpose? I just feel the days and weeks are passing so quickly. What do I want to do with my life? I don’t want to “just fill in the hours”, with gym, lunches, bowls – oh I did try some bowls but then it got SO HOT! I will look at that in the cooler months. I learnt crochet. Loved that but made everything I really want to make. I will look at making some items to donate.

My thoughts are to join and volunteer with another charity. Maybe some volunteer office work. Perhaps use my event management background and stage an event of some sort.

My needs are – new friendships in my age bracket for now until… well, until death us to part! As well as brain stimulation and a sense of purpose.

Well it is now time to think about dinner. Gawd, I am after nearly 43 years of marriage over coming up with ideas for dinner. Thank goodness for the good old basics of spag bol, sausages, roast chicken! I love baking, but everything I love to bake my daughter tells me has too much sugar! And hubby has asked when I am going to diet and lose weight! ARGH! 

Oh look, it is wine o’clock… must go!

Follow Celena Ross on Facebook here.

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lifestyle, work, retiree, retirement life, purpose