Danielle McCarthy

Woman wears her engagement ring for a year without even realising

No matter how it happens, a marriage proposal is always going to be a memorable event. For one couple, however, theirs might be a little more remarkable than your average engagement, since the bride-to-be wore her sparkler every day for a year without even knowing it.

For their one-year anniversary in 2015, Australian man Terry made his girlfriend Anna a necklace from Huon pine, native to Tasmania. There was just one tiny detail he didn’t tell her about – the fact that her engagement ring was hidden inside.

She wore the necklace every day for over a year, until, to her shock, Terry broke open the necklace during a trip to Scotland last year.

“She stood there dazed for a second, trying to work out what was going on, and then it dawned and she said ‘yes’ with all the excitement in the world,” he recalled.

And while the ending may have been a happy one, Terry feared it could have gone seriously pear-shaped. “My biggest moment of panic was when we went through airport security the first time,” he admitted. “I hadn’t thought about the fact that she might be asked to put it through the x-ray, which could have very quickly turned into an airport security proposal.”

Credit: YouTube/Smudha via Storyful.

relationships, woman, aussie, ring, engagement, year, for, wears