Danielle McCarthy

Top 10 surprising health benefits of sex

Sex offers loads of benefits, combating some of the major causes of death from heart disease, stress and even cancer.

So in case lists get you in the mood, we’ve pulled together the top 10 reasons why you should be having sex.

Besides pleasure, sex can provide so many health benefits that it’s a wonder that the doctor isn’t prescribing it along with blood pressure medication.

1. Lifespan

According to researchers at the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic, around 350 orgasms per year would add four years to your life. The problem is that the average is around a quarter of that – so better get busy.

2. Depression

Sex releases the feel-good hormones that can help to lift your mood. The hormone oxytocin can reduce stress and make you feel calmer.

3. Menopause

Again, it’s all about the release of hormones. For women going through menopause, sex can reduce hot flushes and help control raging hormone levels.

4. Prostate cancer

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute in America found that males who orgasmed five times a week had a lower risk of getting prostate cancer later in life.

5. Heart problems

Those who have sex two times a week are less likely to be affected by heart disease, according to scientists at the New England Research Institute in Massachusetts. Orgasms release hormones that can improve heart health.

6. Breast cancer 

Having sex releases the hormones oxytocin and DHEA, which can help reduce your risk of cancer. It can also be beneficial even after a diagnosis, but it might take a bit of extra effort to get in the mood.

7. Arthritis

If you suffer from the pain of arthritis, sex can help. It’s good for the joints as it is a low-impact exercise that helps improve muscle function.

8. Calories

Don’t fancy the treadmill to manage your weight? Have sex instead! You’ll burn over 8,000 calories per year if you have sex three times a week.

9. Testosterone

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, having sex more frequently can actually help increase your testosterone levels, which can help treat it.

10. Blood pressure 

If you want to improve your blood pressure stats, have more sex, according to a study published in the journal Biological Psychology. It reduces stress too, which can also help your numbers.

Are there any other benefits we have missed? We would love to hear from you in the comments.

health, Sex, benefits, good