Danielle McCarthy

Top 6 reasons couples fall out of love

We’ve all heard the age-old pessimistic sentiment, “nothing lasts forever” and too often, this can apply to our relationships. Even a partnership that started out with love, lust and “fireworks” can fizzle out to barely a perceivable spark. So why does this happen? What makes a couple go from in love, to indifference? Here we take a look at the top reasons couples have been known to fall out of love.

1. A lack of communication                                                                        

They say honest communication is the backbone of any relationship, and that may be true. If neither partner is communicating and listening to the other, this can cause resentment. When a couple no longer expresses their needs, fears, and desires, it is difficult for the relationship to move forward and they may find themselves falling out of love.

2. Jealousy

Just like communication, trust is a main factor in any good relationship. It doesn’t matter how good any other aspect of a relationship is if partners do not trust each other. Jealousy can lead to fights, resentment, and paranoia, none of which help a relationship of any age flourish. And if the jealousy is warranted? Some couples cannot move past a betrayal of trust, and find their inevitable end as a result.

3. The relationship was built on sand

If a relationship is not built on a solid structure of respect, trust, love, and mutual goals and aspirations, overtime, its foundation will crumble. Maybe it started as an affair or a means to appease financial or superficial needs; maybe it was never love, but mere lust. These types of liaison are likely unable to withstand the wears of time.

4. Growing apart

As couples grow older, their goals and aspirations change. It is natural that the life you pictured for yourself at twenty might not match the way you feel ten, twenty, or thirty years later. Successful couples change and adapt together in a compatible direction and speed. They nurture each other and help one another move toward an inclusive future. If this is not the case, the relationship will come to an eventual end.

5. The honeymoon period is over

They say that the first years of a relationship are the easiest: the honeymoon period. First, you are infatuated with your partner, and everything they do is rose-coloured as a result. But as time goes on, this level of intoxication is difficult to maintain. Eventually, the snoring you thought was cute becomes unbearable. The way that they laugh or chew their food: infuriating. Or maybe you realise your partner’s morals or believes don’t truly match your own. Whatever the reason, big or small, some couples can’t survive once the rose-coloured glasses have been removed.

6. Timing

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how compatible a couple is for each other. If the timing is wrong, the relationship may end, or possibly never even get off the ground as a result. Maybe you were too young when you committed, and now years later your perspective, needs and desires have changed. Maybe a death in the family has altered how you feel. Maybe you have a job opportunity that at this point in your life, you cannot turn down. It might not have anything to do with your partner’s flaws or inadequacy, but the relationship ends simply as a result of poor timing.

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dating, love, lifestyle