Georgia Dixon

Prince William’s hilarious response to Prince Harry’s engagement

If you’ve ever had a younger sibling mooch off you before, you’ll know just how much of a relief it can be when they finally take the hint and leave. Well, as it turns out, the same can be said even when it comes to the royals!

Breaking his silence on Prince Harry’s engagement to Meghan Markle, Prince William congratulated his little brother in the way that only family can.

While his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge said she was “thrilled” and wished the newly-engaged couple “all the best and hope they enjoy this happy moment," Wills couldn’t resist the opportunity of a bit of teasing.

“For me personally, I hope it means he stays out of my fridge and will stop scrounging my food, which he’s done for the last few years,” he told reporters.

The brothers have lived in close quarters for the past few years, with Kate, William and family residing in an apartment in Kensington Palace right next door to Nottingham Cottage, where Harry lives.

“They’ve got a lot of happy times ahead of them and I think they’re very caught up in the moment and I wish them all the happiness and success in planning the wedding,” the dad-of-two added. “I hope it goes really well."

Prince Harry, Royals, Prince William, royal family, engagement, Meghan Markle