Danielle McCarthy

Over60 community recall the first time they met the love of their life

If there’s one thing Hollywood gets right, it’s that special moment when boy meets girl. Eyes light up, hearts flutter and so begins an exciting new romance. For some lucky members of the Over60 community, those eyes never stopped lighting up and hearts still flutter when they lay eyes on their partner or spouse. Here, they share the beautiful, funny, and downright bizarre ways they met the love of their life.

1. Unlikely circumstances

“His wife had an affair with my husband! They left together and we gradually became friends. He was raising his two children and I was raising my two. We’ve been married 40 years with many grandchildren... the other two didn't last.” – Lynn Woodbury.

2. Fell in love head over… legs?

“I met her at work nursing on a geriatric ward. Fell in love with the legs and had to marry the rest of the body... 42 years ago! Funnily, the day we met she went home from work and told her Mum she'd met the man she was going to marry that day.” – Brian Lloyd.

3. Love at first sight

“I am a teacher and met my paramedic husband when he was the instructor on the first aid course I had to complete. We went on our first date at the end of the course and became engaged two months later. We have been married for 18 wonderful years. Definitely love at first sight!” – Samantha Suringa.

4. He grew on me

“He tells me we met at the beach but I had eyes for another and went with him for a year. During that time, my future husband joined the navy and when he came back I was 'single' again so he asked me out. He was on leave and seemed to always be at our house and he kind of grew on me and I fell madly in love. That was 53 years ago.” – Lyn Pride.

5. First impressions

“I met her at an engagement party for a pen pal whilst I was in Vietnam. My now wife was seated in an old leather lounge chair. I sat on the arm to chat, slipped on the leather, landed on a small table, sending the contents (chips and nuts) all over an older couple on the other side of the room. I finally cleaned up the mess and resumed my position and we talked the evening away, finally I asked if I could take her home, she replied I should ask her father, pointing to the gentleman I had covered with nuts and chips. That was 46 years ago...” – Ray Portbury.

6. Perseverance

“It was definitely not love at first sight! We both lived in a residential hotel in Johannesburg, he was loud and I was not impressed. He persevered, moved to my table in the dining room. After six months, I went out with him for the first time – to spite the current boyfriend who was not behaving as expected. A week later we had a car accident on the way back from a weekend trip to Durban, I ended up in hospital for three days, after which he asked me to marry him and I said yes! We'd been going out for just two weeks. This year we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary!” – Annette Guernier Clay.

How did you meet the love of your life? Share your stories with us in the comments below!

life, love, relationships, time, over60, Partner, first, members, met