Danielle McCarthy

Grandmother reunited with wedding ring after losing it 40 years ago

A grandmother from Melbourne has made a special discovery after finding her wedding ring, which went missing over 40 years ago.

In 1962, Rose and Sam Di Pasquale were married in Italy and then started a family in Australia 10 years later.

Their son, Vito, remembers his mother losing her ring when he was in primary school in the late '70s or early '80s.

They thought the wedding ring was lost forever until plumber Shane McKenzie discovered the precious jewellery when he was unblocking the family’s drains.

"The ring had gotten caught on the corkscrew so it must of had a tree root growing through it for how ever many years," he told 7 News. 

"I was able to return something that, as a married man, I know, it's fairly valuable."

Rose has been recently diagnosed with dementia, giving the ring even more sentimental value.

"She's happy. I'm happy. My son too. All happy," her husband Sam said.

The couple thought the ring had disappeared down the drain with mop water in the outdoor sink.

Have you ever found a long lost piece of sentimental jewellery? Tell us in the comments below.  

grandmother, wedding, Reunited, ring, ago, losing, years, 40